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is it somehow possible to change the namespace where a var is defined when pressing d inside Right now, I don't seem to be able to change it - it's always prefixed with the default repl namespace.


In most cases, what I want is to define it in the namespace where the function being debugged is

Jordan Brooks15:01:54

Any pointers on debugging error in process filter: cider--render-stacktrace-causes: Wrong type argument: sequencep, t ? My *cider-error* buffer is always empty and any eval that causes an exception leads to the above with no stacktrace.

Jordan Brooks17:01:45

Thanks - kind of narrowed it down but can't say I understand what the issue is.. I've updated to the latest version of cider and it appears to be working now

Zachary Fontenot19:01:31

I’ve only really briefly looked around, so I’m sorry if I’ve overlooked something simple, but are Java completions supported in cider? I get nothing when I try java.[TAB] or .[TAB]


for static members/methods, yes for instance ones... sometimes? powers this, IIRC it honors type hints up to point

Zachary Fontenot19:01:43

I don’t get completion on anything prefixed with . I can see classes, but not static methods. I’m using corfu, but I don’t see why this would matter

Zachary Fontenot19:01:52

OH, maybe my deps.edn needs to be better setup

Zachary Fontenot19:01:21

But also I don’t see why that would be an issue?

Zachary Fontenot19:01:48

setting completion-styles to '(orderless basic) allowed me to see the completions, but it’s a little wonky to have both orderless and basic