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FYI - I’m planning to cut a new CIDER release soon (e.g. within a week), so now it’s a good time to play with the current snapshot or get your last minute patches submitted. 🙂


excited to see which city you’ve been hanging out in


@dpsutton Lot’s of good options this time around (I’ve been on the move a lot lately), so it will be hard to chose. 😄 I think I’m leaning towards Berlin or Naples, but we’ll see what I’ll decide in the end.

Ben Sless17:12:50

Naples for Italian food!


ha you have to bias towards the city you are less likely to visit again in the future when it could serve as a release city

Matthew Odendahl20:12:18

I'm trying to use the CIDER debugger inside a deftest, but nothing seems to be working. Does CIDER not support that? E.g. #break is completely ignored when I run the test with , t t (Spacemacs calls cider-test-run-test, I think). I need to inspect resources bound by test fixtures, so I do need to use the test runner. What's the usual method?


Did you re-eval the test definition after adding #break?

Matthew Odendahl20:12:25

Yep. Eval'ed form; buffer; saved the file and killed the REPL, jacked in again. Nothing works.

Matthew Odendahl21:12:12

Also updated cider package.


The problem is that if you use cider-test-run-test it will load the test namespace before running the test so your instrumentation is gone. You need to use (clojure.test/test-vars [#'your-test]) or something like that manually from the REPL. Then your breakpoint inside the deftest your-test will work.

thanks2 1

This is at least the case when using cider-debug-defun-at-point and the workaround above works reliably, for me.


I'm not exactly sure why it also ignores #break and #dbg but the workaround works for those too

Matthew Odendahl21:12:52

test-vars works 🙂

Matthew Odendahl21:12:55

I wish it were easier, but I can work with this.


Feel free to open a ticket about this. Might also be good to document what @U06BE1L6T mentioned. As I rarely debug tests it never crossed my mind we need to improve something on this front.