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I just discovered cider-browse-ns… I like that the list shows docstrings (and this feature will encourage me to add them to my functions). Is there a way to jump to the function in that list from the list? Or is there another approach to seeing the functions (with or without docstrings) that exist in the current buffer, or another one… or globally organized by ns, and jump to it? +1 if there would be fuzzy narrowing by typing the function name.


• You can open function cider-doc buffer by pressing Enter/Return, from there you can go to function definition. • You can try , It works with most of the programming languages.


I’m ecstatic about imenu-list… thank you!

👍 1
Álmos Zöld11:10:41

Hi guys! I'm looking for a way to use cider-jack-in-clj&cljs to use the same REPL for both frontend and backend. I'd like to only use deps.edn for managing dependencies, because as I saw in other issues, threads, cider-jack-in-clj&cljs does not really work well when using deps.edn + shadow-cljs.edn. My problem is that I don't really find the way to configure the two. The official docs are sparse, and shadow-cljses docs point to CIDER's docs, CIDER's docs point to the shadow-cljs docs, both of them lack the necessary config. I know that I can just start the REPL-s separataly and connect with cider-connect but this is less than ideal if we have cider-jack-in-clj&cljs :)) What is the canonical way nowadays to achieve this?

Álmos Zöld12:10:42

Or is it possible to even have a "combined" clj and cljs repl? Because I thought this way the function of cider-jack-in-clj&cljs. Right now, if I want to edit code on the frontend and the backend at the same time, and I switch, I have to open the respective repl, do something in it, and then does evaluation work in the source code buffers


Right now it's possible, but it's something that can be done potentially

Álmos Zöld09:10:34

Well I solved it with setting the cider-merge-session variable to 'project so cider actually sends the evaluation to the correct repl and I can even switch to the correct one depending on the source buffer! Which is actually an even better solution than the one I wanted in the first place. It took some searching in the documentation, maybe it should be a bit higher for us beginners :)) Anyway, thank you for your work on the package, it really makes developing Clojure a relative breeze in Emacs.


is it possible to make cider understand a test macro without explicitly set cider-test-defining-forms ? At Nubank we have some test macros variations like defflow-x defflow-y and we need to keep adding to that variable, I'd love to make those macros have some test metadata which cider would understand


It's possible, but it's not currently supported. Basically we'd need to apply the same mechanism we have for cider/indent to test-defining-forms for this to work. I felt this wasn't particularly important due to the limited number of test defining forms, but it's certainly doable.


Glad that makes sense to you! It'd be really handful for us indeed, should I open a issue on cider ? If it's not that hard I can try to help if provided some guidance :)


I definitely won't have time for this, but I think it won't be hard to do.