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Jeongsoo Lee18:09:16

It would be nice to easily promote a local function from a letfn to the top-level and vice versa.


I found letfn usages to be rare - do you often need to do that?

Jeongsoo Lee03:09:26

I was using it during some mutually recursive work that combines several functions and trampolining around them. You're right; these kinds of work rarely pop up, and I ended up declare instead of letfn for that, as the latter hinders testability of each function.


Whenever I do cider-repl-set-ns against the cljs repl, it turns into a clj repl. Has anyone run into something like this before?


It seems to have just overwritten the cider-repl-type variable. The repl itself is still perfectly connected to the cljs instance. I can do js/console and it gives me the correct output