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Is there a one-liner to silently jack in? Hoping to make this work for a client without dealing with dir-locals. Tried this, but I don't think the bindings apply to cider's process:

(defun my-project-jack-in () (interactive)
	   ((cider-preferred-build-tool 'shadow-cljs)
	    (cider-default-cljs-repl 'shadow)
	    (cider-shadow-default-options ":my-build")
	    (cider-offer-to-open-cljs-app-in-browser nil)
	    (cider-repl-pop-to-buffer-on-connect nil))
	 (cider-jack-in-cljs '(:project-dir "~/my-project"))))

Joshua Suskalo17:07:50

Is there a particular reason you're trying to avoid dir locals?