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does it work from iTerm or such?


actually this issue was because I tried wierd things with the context class loader. now I have this error instead, the moment I try to connect with cider: will try with iTerm

ERROR: Unhandled REPL handler exception processing message {:op init-debugger, :nrepl.middleware.print/stream? 1, :nrepl.middleware.print/print cider.nrepl.pprint/pprint, :nrepl.middleware.print/quota 1048576, :nrepl.middleware.print/buffer-size 4096, :nrepl.middleware.print/options {:right-margin 70}, :session 91c8935c-7ea3-48b7-836f-00c929e739d7, :id 6}
Syntax error compiling at (cider/nrepl/inlined_deps/orchard/v0v7v1/or


what's the complete error message above? You trimmed the interesting part ^^


Anyway the stacktrace says orchard and you mention classloaders so I'd recommend disabling dynapath


ah sorry what is the interesting part because it's very long xD


feel free to create and link to a Gist with it


some error with java doclet sounds interesting.


so yeah disable Dynapath, the stacktrace confirms it


next cider-nrepl release will get rid of it, it's given us a bunch of problems


ok now orchard.use-dynapath is false but I have the same error. can it be that it runs java runtime but it needs to run jdk or sth? Because Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jdk.javadoc.doclet.Doclet Or I need to add jdk to the classpath somehow?


are you sure orchard.use-dynapath is set to false before cider-nrepl (and therefore orchard) have been required for the first time? i.e. make sure it's set up at JVM startup time, not at runtime


you might be right. I'll try


building cider-nrepl is taking really long for me, a make clean install takes about half an hour on a relatively beefy machine... Mainly mranderson seems to be taking a lot of time. Pretty sure I've recently done builds that went much faster. Does this ring a bell for anyone?


tried it just now (cider-nrepl master), couldn't repro 😞


munge source files of compliment artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of toolscli artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of toolstrace artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of arrangement artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of diffutils artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of javaclasspath artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of corerrb-vector artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of fipp artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of puget artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of suitable artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of toolsreader artifact on branch [] exposed false.
  munge source files of rewrite-clj artifact on branch [] exposed false.
this is the part that slows down... will try some things


jstack 2451182 | grep clojure-agent-send-off-pool | wc -l
that's a lot of threads... seems at any one time there are between 20 and 100 RUNNABLE


Seems it may be Java 16...


ran in 33 seconds on Java 11


maybe something to do with this

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.


What about the new LTS Java 17? Is it affected by the problem as well?


Related, cider-nrepl doesn't exercise 16 in CI. Will give it a quick go


haven't tried 17 yet...