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What's the official way to completely quit a cider program run with cider-jack-in-clj&cljs?


I've use the process list and just quitted, but recently used sesman to quit


@theeternalpulse not official answer, but I will usually use sesman-quit for the current project, or if I am lazy I’ll just select the REPL buffers with Helm transient state and kill them. Seaman browser will list all REPLs across all projects.


C-c C-q from a linked source buffer will close the repl. that's what i always do


which is cider-quit


cider-quit doesn't seem to quit the actual session, because when I re-do the jack-in it says a session already exists


I sometimes get a prompt about a dead REPL connection too. I think its sesman that asks me if I want to use a dead repl... I cant say I like the though of that, especially as I dont know what a dead repl is 🙂 I cant find anything in the otherwise excellent docs.


did you do it for both clj and cljs?


is there a way to state advance a repl from "pending-cljs" to "cljs"? I'm using an unorthodox cljs connection but the REPL works fine, but the buffer to repl mapping doesn't work, despite sesman showing a link (I'm assuming based on a cursory glance in the code that the type doesn't match because it's 'pending-cljs instead of 'cljs)


answer: M-x cider-set-repl-type RET


did that fix the underlying issue for you? usually if its pending it means the cljs runtime isn't present and it has a good chance of not working


@U11BV7MTK yes. I'm running the repl on an embedded armv7l board that only has node, but no java. I have a small weirdness that stdout is above the prompt, but evaluations inside the associated file works good and code completion works after adding cider-nrepl to the dependencies.