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i often get error in process filter: nrepl-send-sync-request: Sync nREPL request timed out (op eval code (require 'figwheel.main)) when running cider-jack-in-cljs in this project


but not every time. sometimes it works, opens a browser, opens a repl connected to it, does all the good things


i think i got it. need to set nrepl-syn-request-timeout to a higher value. was 10, is 20. has worked the last few times i've tested it. this is a big improvement over the prior success rate.

Jim Newton14:09:55

I've define a macro which I'd like to indent the same as case. Is there a way to tell cider (and hopefully also tell cursive) that I want it to use case rules for indenting?

(rte-case '(1 2 3)
  (:* String) 0
  (:* Number) 1
  (:* Long) 2)))
currently it indents as follows:
(rte-case '(1 2 3)
          (:* String) 0
          (:* Number) 1
          (:* Long) 2)))
Since some of the users of my library use cursive, it would be nice if it indents the same for both. I'm a little surprised that it doesn't just work because the lambda list of case is [e & clauses] and the lambda list of rte-case is [sequence & clauses].


@jimka.issy Don't know about Cursive, but clojure-mode (which is what CIDER relies on for indentation[1]) uses a list of builtin forms/macros and their associated indentation specifications. You can change them and add your own specs to that list, using define-clojure-indent macro. CIDER also supports indentation specification via metadata[2], which could be a way to share indentation specifications with Cursive. But I don't use Cursive, so I don't know if it supports that metadata specification. [1] [2]

Jim Newton16:09:22

I saw those docs, already. Thanks. But I didn't see how I could say I want my macro to indent like case.

Jim Newton16:09:45

Do I have to re-engineer what case did?

Jim Newton16:09:38

Is it strange that cider doesn't just notice that the macro lambda list is [x & y] ?

Jim Newton16:09:04

Common lisp has &rest and &body which have the same evaluation semantics, but notifiy the human reading the code, and also the IDE/editor that what folows &body is the body of a function, usually in a macro call-site.


As I said, CIDER isn't in charge of indentation, clojure-mode is. And clojure-mode only deals with text buffers, so it doesn't "eval code" (as CIDER does) and thus doesn't know if a given form is a function or a macro (as stated in the first link I provided), or what the "macro lambda list" is . Of course clojure-mode knows about the core Clojure macros (like case) and thus it can indent them the way you would expect. But for unknown ones (like yours) it can only guess. And I suspect the safe guess is "assume it's a function" (as opposed to "assume it's a macro"), so it applies the default indentation for functions. So you need to tell clojure-mode that you want some form(s) to be indented a particular way (using one of the two methods documented in the first link). In your case you can have a look at the indent specification for case in clojure-mode (see and use put-clojure-indent or define-clojure-indent as suggested in the first link:

(put-clojure-indent 'rte-case 1)
(define-clojure-indent (rte-case 1))
Or you can programmatically get the indentation spec for case with clojure--get-indent-method and use that to define the rte-case indentation spec:
(put-clojure-indent 'rte-case (clojure--get-indent-method "case"))
(define-clojure-indent (rte-case (clojure--get-indent-method "case"))) 

Jim Newton13:09:36

OK, that's interesting. Slime (the predecessor of cider) asks the running lisp for hint on indentation if available.

Jim Newton13:09:06

so indentation might change/improve as you develop your code.


hi, I have a question related to orchard , I noticed that xref/fn-deps cannot find macros used inside a function. there are ways around it?


Probably not. I imagine it can only contemplate the expanded form?


sorry, my internet connection was really bad. Yeah, you are right. I was imagining that would be possible get these info in a different way


but probably not 😕