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Can I somehow tell cider to stop showing stdout in the cider-repl buffer but still show it in the nrepl-server buffer? This seems to happen sometimes by chance (especially after cleaning the repl buffer manually via cider-repl-clear-buffer - although this is confusing and not desirable, I'd like to be able to do it explicitly; one reason for that is that emacs/cider can become really slow when a lot of text is logged on stdout - nrepl-buffer (using the Fundamental mode) seems to handle it better. Note: others have suggested before that I redirect logs to file but my question isn't about that


@jumar Does cider-redirect-server-output-to-repl control what you are after?


Likely, thanks!


Note that this setting would only affect output that would normally be bound to the server's own output stream. For logging it might help, yes.


> This seems to happen sometimes by chance (especially after cleaning the repl buffer manually via cider-repl-clear-buffer That's news to me. 🙂 I can't see how cleaning the REPL can affect that behavior, but in software everything's possible in guess. 😄

😀 3