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I haven’t seen one so far.


Ugh, I'm positive there is a simple one (I've used it last year), but I really can't recall the name 😞


CIDER borrowed the inspector idea from SLIME.


G'day 🙂! I'm using Cider with Spacemacs and I'm loving it more and more. Though, I have two questions around running tests with cider-test-run-focused-test. 1. Is there a way to automatically save the current buffer in this situation? 2. Is there a way to prevent jumping to the cider-test-report window automatically in case of test failures?


Hi there, I have a test:

(deftest test-1
  (is (= 1 (inc 1))))
When I run lein test, then I get the output:
FAIL in (test-1) (test_lab.clj:19)
expected: (= 1 (inc 1))
  actual: (not (= 1 2))
but inside Cider I get:
Fail in test-1

expected: 1

  actual: 2          
	    diff: - 1          
	          + 2            
So it evaluates forms. Can I change this behavior?

replied to a thread:I haven’t seen one so far.

Ugh, I'm positive there is a simple one (I've used it last year), but I really can't recall the name 😞


(and comes with emacs 23+)


is there a way to eval a sexp with any parenting let bindings? for example, I have

(let [x 1] (= 2 (+ x x)))
and I want to eval (+ x x) without having to eval the parent sexp


@mitchell_clojure yes, move your cursor to the position after the closing ) and use cider-eval-last-sexp, which by default is bound to C-c C-e


I get an unable to resolve symbol error there, since it does not know what x is bound to


I'm looking for something more like cider-eval-last-sexp-in-context , but which can infer the context of the defun


right, so when you want to test the inside scope, you need to bind x. What some folks recommend is to execute (def x ...) so that at he global scope you have a x defined. See this post which does a better job of explaining this process:


yeah, what I am saying is that our eval function could bind the vars if they are declared in parent lets just by walking up the defun


but maybe that is more difficult to do than it appears on my first glance