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In a really bizarre situation where giving a shadow-cljs project -Xmx4G in project.clj causes only M-x cider-jack-in-cljs to fail about half the time. Values of 1G or 2G are 100% stable, as is running via lein dev Is there a memory ceiling cider automatically sets & causes a self-kill? Part of the Emacs max memory setting? :thinking_face:


CIDER is pretty transparent in just formatting a call to your existing tooling. Check *Messages* buffer for the exact command its running


I can find

[nREPL] Starting server via /usr/local/bin/npx shadow-cljs -d nrepl:0.6.0 -d cider/piggieback:0.4.0 -d cider/cider-nrepl:0.21.1 server...
But in the "self-kill" scenario (REPL suddenly closes with a shutting down.. message from shadow-cljs), I can't find any exception or errors to indicate why


@dpsutton the question is whether emacs does anything else to monitor or limit the process in any way


it is started just fine but for some reason the process is killed when reaching a certain memory limit (and that is not shadow-cljs killing itself)


The shutting down ... message is produced by shadow-cljs when the JVM Runtiome.addShutdownHook thread is triggered


No monitoring as far as I’m aware


You can toggle nrepl-toggle-message-logging to see all the messages going back and forth


@quest on windows this was caused by someones anti-virus before. might also be something like that


its a subprocess of emacs right? Possible the os is mad at emacs and refusing to allocate memory?


I'll play around with some OSX Java options & other features to see if it affects it. *Messages* output for a autokilled run:

[nREPL] Starting server via /usr/local/bin/npx shadow-cljs -d nrepl:0.6.0 -d cider/piggieback:0.4.0 -d cider/cider-nrepl:0.21.1 server...
[nREPL] server started on 8777
[nREPL] Establishing direct connection to localhost:8777 ...
[nREPL] Direct connection to localhost:8777 established
Visit ‘’ in a browser? (y or n) n
[nREPL] Connection closed unexpectedly (connection broken by remote peer)
(for completeness, at the REPL)
[:app] Configuring build.
[:app] Compiling ...
shutting down ...
*** Closed on Tue Aug 20 12:44:25 2019 ***


and running /usr/local/bin/npx shadow-cljs -d nrepl:0.6.0 -d cider/piggieback:0.4.0 -d cider/cider-nrepl:0.21.1 server from a command line behaves differently?


and the messages i'm talking about look like

  id         "96"
  session    "4448d1f0-b245-4a5d-81bd-4e710146a672"
  time-stamp "2019-08-20 14:49:56.258862000"
  docstring  "Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0."
  eldoc      (nil
 ("x" "y")
 ("x" "y" "&" "more"))

  name       "+"
  ns         "cljs.core"
  status     ("done")
  type       "function"
  id         "97"
  session    "4448d1f0-b245-4a5d-81bd-4e710146a672"
  time-stamp "2019-08-20 14:49:56.259385000"
  docstring  "Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0."
  eldoc      (nil
 ("x" "y")
 ("x" "y" "&" "more"))

  name       "+"
  ns         "cljs.core"
  status     ("done")
  type       "function"


hmm, behaves the same -- ran it, then used M-x cider-connect-cljs & specified app as per usual. same REPL output (shutting down ...), though I get a Socket closed at the console


found the buffers with the extra messages, will paste them in a sec


well i think you've found its not CIDER related. just running from command line and viewing the app causes the shutdown?


for the M-x cider-connect-cljs command line run


try running from command line and connect from browser. if it fails, remove cider/cider-nrepl and rerun. if it fails then its not CIDER's fault. not sure from your message if you've tried that or not


Running with /usr/local/bin/npx shadow-cljs watch app still produces a kill

> /usr/local/bin/npx shadow-cljs watch app
shadow-cljs - config: /Users/quest/repos/ns/browser/shadow-cljs.edn  cli version: 2.8.46  node: v12.8.0
shadow-cljs - running: lein run -m shadow.cljs.devtools.cli --npm watch app
shadow-cljs - HTTP server available at 
shadow-cljs - HTTP server available at 
shadow-cljs - server version: 2.8.45 running at 
shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 8777
shadow-cljs - watching build :app
[:app] Configuring build.
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (608 files, 1 compiled, 0 warnings, 4.10s)
shutting down ...
Worker shutdown.
running lein dev reliably works with 4G, and it's configured as so under :aliases
"dev"  ["with-profile" "dev" "run" "-m" "shadow.cljs.devtools.cli" "watch" "app"]
still confused but leaning away from this being cider related -- thanks for the help @dpsutton


ah, nothing in your npx call uses the lein dev profile


so you are missing any way to set the jvm options


> This is done by configuring :jvm-opts at the root of shadow-cljs.edn expecting a vector of strings. can you try here?


@quest without lein there's no jvm setting if i'm following correctly


No effect on setting it to values of 4G or 1G -- process still reliably shutdown on init