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@jumar yeah, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything obvious. I think it's quite a fundamental operation a user would try to do - "inspect this intermediate data structure in front of me that won't fit on the screen" and having to navigate around the buffer and yank things is a lot of unnecessary friction


maybe I'll look into it on the weekend and see how to add that functionality


ideally without having to re-evaluate the form, which may be side-effecting / expensive


I’m not arguing about the usefulness of something like this and contributions would be appreciated. Unfortunately lately we’ve had little time for work on the debugger.

👍 4

does cider print arrays as vectors by default? mine is doing this and I can't remember if I've configured anything weird; I'd like to get it to stop doing that


By default cider uses clojure.pprint/pprint (you can check the variable cider-print-fn to see if you've changed it), which prints vectors as [1 2 3] and arrays as [1, 2, 3]


@dromar56 thanks, that seems to explain it


I probably used to override it and somehow stopped


I definitely didn't know that pprint printed arrays like that


And I didn't knew the difference between arrays and vectors in clojure until 5 minutes ago 😛


they're pretty different


Yes it was pretty interesting to read about them. Since I have 0 java background I haven't looked into java interop yet, and hadn't met them


byte arrays are probably the most common to encounter, especially if you're dealing with anything big; they'll be at least eight times (or more??) more memory efficient than a naive "sequence of numbers" clojure approach