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I assume something has changed in CIDER recently regarding the initial namespace the REPL starts with? It is now user for me instead of boot.user. Any chance to customize this?

Michael Griffiths16:02:30

See cider-repl-init-code

Michael Griffiths16:02:49

You could add "(in-ns 'boot.user)"

Michael Griffiths16:02:23

I’m not sure why the behaviour has changed, though. Possibly related to the changes to how bindings are handled in nREPL


looks like there is: Customizing the initial REPL namespace Normally, the CIDER REPL will start in the user namespace. You can supply an initial namespace for REPL sessions in the repl-options section of your Leiningen project configuration: :repl-options {:init-ns 'my-ns}


How is cider detecting the root of a project? It currently doesn’t recognize projects that only have a deps.edn file at the root for me.


I think I have to update a helper library


@chase-lambert Thanks. I think I found this before but looks like it's Leiningen only


That's true. I haven't ventured too much outside of leiningen yet. I'm already getting used to hitting C-c M-n M-n to just set it as soon as the repl is running. C-u C-c C-z puts you in the repl with the ns too.


@bhauman it should "speak" deps.edn. check out cider--identify-buildtools-present


thanks @dpsutton I’ll check it out 🙂


I do miss it being defaulted to the project ns though


although actually clojure-project-root-path might be the better place to look


also @bhauman would love comments here ( about editing jack in command with a prefix


(make it trivial to add aliases and profiles)


@dpsutton I like the proposed behavior, so you are saying you want cider to present the shell command in its entirely every time before launching?


not every time. there's a defcustom to make that happen or just send a prefix with jack in command


but yeah, it presents the entire shell command so its easy to know where and what you can edit


yeah with prefix emacs arg makes a lot of sense


Does anyone know how to set jvm-opts from cider-lein-parameters? Extra information: To pass jvm-opts to lein you declare it with the :jvm-opts key, I'd like to make this portable so I can inject the key in the same way nrepl/cider-nrepl are passed in via cider jack-in e.g /usr/local/bin/lein update-in :dependencies conj \[nrepl\ \"0.5.3\"\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[cider/cider-nrepl\ \"0.20.0\"\] I think the answer will be something similar to this (set-variable 'cider-lein-parameters "update-in :jvm-opts conj \\[\\\"-Xmx5g\\\"\\] --") But somewhere I'm going wrong because lein prints out the available tasks instead of starting a REPL.


should make following tutorials or doing what coworkers are doing trivial

Michael Griffiths16:02:43

@mikepjb lein also supports the JVM_OPTS environment variable

Michael Griffiths16:02:15

Possibly you want "update-in :jvm-opts conj \\\"-Xmx5g\\\" --" though? i.e. just conj the string rather than a vec containing the string


thanks @cichli guessing the first solution might look like (setenv "JVM_OPTS" "-Xmx5g") in my emacs config?


I'll try the update-in first and let you know if that works

Michael Griffiths16:02:19

Yeah or set cider-lein-command to JVM_OPTS="-Xmx5g" lein

Michael Griffiths16:02:37

(FWIW I generally try and set these kinds of things in lein profiles rather than in editor config, if you really want to use -Xmx5g everywhere you could add it to your :user profile)


the proposed patch that i linked above will make this trivial. you have full access to the command to be invoked so presumably you can just add this prefix


@cichli this works (set-variable 'cider-lein-parameters "update-in :jvm-opts conj \"\\\"-Xmx5g\\\"\" -- repl :headless :host localhost")


What’s the story with newest CIDER and using the newest 2.8.2 boot version? Are their nREPL versions compatible?

👍 5
Michael Griffiths21:02:46

Sorry, I missed this message! You should include [nrepl "0.6.0"] – I think boot still bundles 0.4.something