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Note to everyone - early next week I plan to cut a new CIDER release, so if you wanted to get some features in, you don’t have much time.
@kwcharllie379 i think this is your best shot nowadays
@benedek is it works as well with java10?
;; Connected to nREPL server -
;; CIDER 0.20.0snapshot (package: 20190108.925), nREPL 0.5.3
;; Clojure 1.10.0, Java 1.8.0_191
@kwcharllie379 this one should. the one in clj-refactor
@bozhidar May I try to add a support for hot loading to clj-refactor via tools.deps or pomegranate?
@kwcharllie379 i guess you could add the feature back by reimplementing it using the above (clj-refactor maintainer here 😉 )
Thank you @benedek
@kwcharllie379 Given how easy it is to support this now, as it’s a native thing in nREPL it can also be added straight to CIDER>
@kwcharllie379 the problem is that nREPL will need some shifting around to make the classloader available to middleware. That's probably a good change to make, I was admittedly hacking a bit when I slipped it in.
@bozhidar I don't know how you find the energy 🙂 Since the new year started I'm just pooped.
@dominicm You and me both. 😄 I just push myself to wrap completely the nREPL migration and starting next week I plan to take a vacation from all open-source.
I'm finding slack increasingly stressful. Zulip was great when people were interested, because it allowed me to balance my reading more carefully.
@borkdude Everything seems good there. I don’t see any reason why the pprint won’t work.
@bozhidar screenshot here:
id "45"
op "eval"
session "21325fbb-d5ad-49a1-98ee-85f205e44504"
time-stamp "2019-01-11 16:55:13.560653000"
code "(range 100)
column 3
file "/Users/Borkdude/dre/DocSearch/app/src/dre/yada.clj"
line 200
ns "dre.yada"
print-options (dict
right-margin 80)
printer "cider.nrepl.pprint/pprint"
I will try to figure it out then Ill ping you.