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@phil You have to set them in whatever build tool you’re using, CIDER will simply shell out to it.
if anyone wants to easily cider-connect but add their own profiles, etc this function could help them easily modify the startup command that cider issues:
(defun cider-copy-jack-in-command ()
(kill-new (plist-get (cider--update-jack-in-cmd (cider--update-project-dir '()))
and it will copy /usr/local/bin/clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl {:mvn/version "0.5.0"} cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.19.0-SNAPSHOT"}}}' -m nrepl.cmdline --middleware '["cider.nrepl/cider-middleware"]'
so you can add whatever profiles you would like and it will include the middleware for you
I'm seeing this issue occasionally
error in process filter: user-error: ‘nil’ requires the nREPL op "classpath" (provided by cider-nrepl)
error in process filter: ‘nil’ requires the nREPL op "classpath" (provided by cider-nrepl)
after cider-connect
usually this goes away after restarting Emacs
now I went away after I added cider-nrepl to ~/.lein/profiles.clj
though I swear that cider sometimes works without cider-nrepl present?!
cider-doc is producing Wrong type argument: stringp, nil ... ideas on why or how to debug?