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Is there a good talk on why Emacs is a great environment for Clojure development?
The general arguments supporting the use of Emacs start around 26:00, but I think the whole talk can be useful to you.
This talk by @plexus is pretty good as well

Hey there, I'm doing kind of data analysis in Clojure and would love to print output in a separate repl frame, any suggestions how can I accomplish it?
@chokheli not quite sure what you are trying to do, but you can have two frames open that show the same REPL buffer. Then you can scroll in one while keeping the other at the prompt. Or you can evaluate code in the src file and send the results to the REPL. The cider-eval-pprint-last-sexp
will show a separate buffer window (not the REPL or your src file) with a pretty printed result of an evaluation (`C-c C-p`)
Have you also looked at the cider-inspector?
it looks like the bump of cljs-tooling from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 broke info of vars in the same ns. Not sure where to lodge this ticket. cider-nrepl or cljs-tooling
Answered the ticket, I can look into that just need more info. Sorry!
happy to look into it as well. I just saw that you did a massive amount of work for self-hosted is all
hello folks, I am trying to debug the issue above live from a REPL, how are the cider-nrepl
deps inlined again? I am trying to require cljs-tooling
anyone seen these guys before when doing tab completion?
1. Unhandled java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
No matching method forEach found taking 1 args for class$Head 127 clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeMatchingMethod 102 clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeInstanceMethod
utils.clj: 168 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.utils/list-jdk9-base-classfiles
utils.clj: 150 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.utils/list-jdk9-base-classfiles
utils.clj: 179 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.utils/all-files-on-classpath
utils.clj: 173 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.utils/all-files-on-classpath
utils.clj: 188 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.utils/classes-on-classpath
utils.clj: 181 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.utils/classes-on-classpath
namespaces_and_classes.clj: 102 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.sources.namespaces-and-classes/candidates
namespaces_and_classes.clj: 75 cider.inlined-deps.compliment.v0v3v7-20180916v111245-2.compliment.sources.namespaces-and-classes/candidates 393 clojure.lang.Var/invoke
also what the heck, seems those inlined-deps
lines get hidden? I see them when copy pasting, but they're not visible in Emacs...
thanks, that's good to know, but it doesn't fix the error itself. Seems there's an incompatibility with Clojure 1.10, as it works when I switch to 1.9. I'll file an issue.
looks like it is with compliment. i believe he wanted more testing before finishing a release
There's newer Clojure 1.10 versions I think. This may be related to some other bugs that have been reported.
Java 10, Clojure 1.10-RC1 which is the most recent release lists betas 3 and 4 coming after that
;; CIDER 0.19.0snapshot (package: 20181024.1017), nREPL 0.4.5
;; Clojure 1.10.0-beta4, Java 10.0.2
ii openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64 10.0.2+13-1ubuntu0.18.04.2 amd64 OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)
apparently ubuntu decided to package openjdk 10 and call it 11... wth?
basic "hello world" example for shadow + hoplon + electron (w/reload) (w/rock solid cider nrepl connection):
@vigilancetech cool stuff, did you mean to post this in #announcements perhaps?
yeah, I could do that. Think this is a bad place?
it seemed like kind of a big deal to get these three married + cider (as REPLing in boot has been somewhat of a headache lately)
I think it is not the Java version, I am running on old Java but against 1.10.0-alpha8
and I see the warnings
it definitely has something to do with the clojure version, as it doesn't happen on clojure 1.9
i've heard some of these crop up by adding overload methods so we get ambiguous calls and die
not sure if that's what is happening here of course but just one thing i've heard can cause this
this is the failing call, to .forEach
which should be calling this .forEach (updated to link to jdk11 version)
Ping @alexyakushev about the compliment issues.
We’ve got a bit of filtering code here and there to hide the inlined deps. It’s not pretty, but there aren’t many alternatives either.
Ghadi gave me some more tips in a PM, seems hinting the target of forEach
to be a
does the trick
seems I had to do a make install
because of the inlined compliment, but now it's working
You don’t really need to isolated the deps, but if you want to, there’s a script in cider-nrepl
that wraps the lein commands.
so make isn't meant for direct consumption? are these release scripts documented somewhere?
I think I will need to do the same for fipp
, I see the same warnings
in my case it was an error, not a warning, but I think the warnings might mean you'll be in trouble with future versions of java
the issue here was that the object .forEach
was being called on was a instance of a private inner class (`ReferencePipeline$Head`). Because the class is private Clojure refused to find a method that we could access. By type hinting it to its public interface the issue goes away, because in that case the reflector is skipped entirely. (at least that's my understanding)
it is actually core.rrb
(for node?) which is writing stuff
not really up to date with the latest contrib libs 😄
I've discovered that if I send something to the repl from the buffer, and it's something that causes an error, then sending forms no longer sends a concluding <RET>. I have to switch to the repl and hit enter myself. My guess is that it's something to do with ansi(?) codes? Like the character for "make this text angry and red" somehow messes up subsequent commands?
can you create an issue with how to trigger it? like how you send it to the repl (insert last form), whatever, and even a sample form that triggers it for you
can it be related to the Text read-only
problem with the send?
I'm filling out an issue now --- examining closer, I've discovered that sending the ns works, sending the full buffer works, but send-function, send-region, and send-last-sexp have this behavior
;; CIDER 0.19.0snapshot (package: 20181021.830), nREPL 0.2.12 ;; Clojure 1.9.0, Java 1.8.0_192 ^--- suffices?
hi. out of my curiosity, what's the "preferred" way to hot-load dependency with cider (or clj-refactor, if possible)? I tried to dig in refactor-nrepl issues and the only tip I found was non-existent