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@pri Yeah, that’s true. But I think we addressed most of them on master.


Btw, why do you have two connection in the same session in the first place?


I thought you said you just started a clj connected and upgraded it manually yourself.


I wonder if it just me, but lately CIDER became much more aggressive about caching stuff. E.g., when I switch connections for the buffer with Sesman, I have to revert-buffer before the effect is seen. Or if I change the name of the Clojure file and the namespace name, CIDER seems to remember the previous namespace until I revert the buffer. Is this a known issue, or should I dig deeper into my setup?


Also, why did CIDER recently switch to boot cider.tasks/nrepl-server command instead of boot repl? The former does quite many things wrong, I'd consider that a breaking change.


i think only one contributor to CIDER uses boot with any frequency. I'm sure PRs would be quite welcome


@alexyakushev because the cider.tasks makes it possible to inject middleware.


I wasn't aware of anything it did wrong since using it, what does it do wrong?


My fault 😄 I wrote that and it just wraps nRepl..maybe I left a bug behind or something?


what's the advantage or disadvantage of using shadow-cljs' built in nrepl vs cider-nrepl (when using cider)?


cider-nrepl is middleware for nrepl which shadow also uses.

👍 4

@dominicm This worked with boot repl as well, but the new task helped us circumvent the old nREPL shipped with boot prior to the most recent version. Plus, when released this the new version wasn’t even out if I recall correctly.


> Also, why did CIDER recently switch to boot cider.tasks/nrepl-server command instead of boot repl? The former does quite many things wrong, I’d consider that a breaking change.


@alexyakushev What are the problems you’ve spotted with this task?


> I wonder if it just me, but lately CIDER became much more aggressive about caching stuff. E.g., when I switch connections for the buffer with Sesman, I have to revert-buffer before the effect is seen. Or if I change the name of the Clojure file and the namespace name, CIDER seems to remember the previous namespace until I revert the buffer. Is this a known issue, or should I dig deeper into my setup?


Wasn’t this a bug in clojure-mode that we fixed since? I’ve added some ill-conceived ns lookup caching to clojure-mode at some point, but I’ve disabled it afterwards, before someone can find time to revisit it. clojure-find-ns was a bottleneck for certain ops, by my caching strategy caused more problems than it solved.


I’m pretty sure fixing this would be simple, but I’m juggling waaay too many things right now. For the time being I’ve decided to focus my efforts on nREPL and put most of my other work in background mode.


@bozhidar I’m using 102418 snapshot and cider-jack-in-clj-&-cljs doesn’t connect clj source to the clj repl started. As I mentioned in my comments, I had to “connect as a sibling’ manually to enable clojure form evaluation.