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What happened to cider-test-test-ns? I see cider-test-run-test which seems to make frankly stupid assumptions about the relative naming of the current namespace and the presumed test namespace.


Oh my namespace ends in -tests not -test so CIDER doesn’t think it’s a test ns for C-c C-t C-n




@arrdem I think this part of the code has been the same since day 1, but the the expected ns name is configurable.


@dpsutton @plexus See That’s the best solution I could come up with. I disabled the caching by default in clojure-mode, but use cached ns values in the problematic dynamic indent code. Seemed like a reasonable middle ground.


I’m really sorry for the problems this caused. I just didn’t account for the fact that nREPL doesn’t echo back the missing ns. I’ve patched this in nREPL 0.4.3 as well and I’ll issue a release in a bit.

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cider 16

@bozhidar thanks a lot! 💯


Humm... does cider work with "clojure -r / deps.edn" ?


@bherrmann cider-jack-in also works with tools.deps.


@bozhidar the nrepl-0.4 stuff, is there an easy way to try that? or is it too soon to try?


@plexus Yeah, it’s pretty easy. I’ve created a simple plugin for lein and for clj and boot there’s some support to boot the 0.4 server in cider-nrepl-0.19.0-SNAPSHOT.


I’ve meant to add this to the nREPL docs, but I haven’t had time for this yet. Hopefully by the end of the week.


Right now the only bigger problems is that I haven’t updated piggieback to work with nREPL 0.4, but that’s trivial. Afterwards a few other projects will require trivial modifications as well.


i wonder you could ping the maintainers of lein on that issue to gauge their interest in testing out the new nrepl and moving lein over to it


I’ve actually updated the code in lein for 0.4 and they’ve had a PR opened for quite a while now.


Same with boot.


Someone just has to merge them. 🙂


This nREPL transition is one of the most frustrating undertakings I’ve ever had, but it’s also very rewarding.


The past few weeks we’ve fixed more problems with nREPL than in the past 2-3 years.

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We just have to push through the painful part and it will be smooth sailing from there.


hey @bozhidar - question about your lein-nrepl plugin - is it only possible to start a server on the command-line and connect from cider, or can I configure cider to use the plugin?


@j0ni You can configure CIDER to use it, but the generation of the dependency jack-in params will be different for it, so if you want to use the plugin it’d be best to disable auto-injection of params and simply put the plugin and some dependency to cider-nrepl in your lein profiles.


I meant to put a section about this in the README, but I forgot about it.


ah cool - so disable injection, and ensure all the injected deps are in my ~/.lein/profiles.clj should do it


hmm, should both cider-nrepl and refactor-nrepl be plugins and not dependencies?


I figured them for dependencies, but I see the injections use the :plugins key


hmm, I can't find a way to fire it up, either manually or via cider-jack-in with lein params set to the command line you suggest in the readme, without getting the dreaded warning:

WARNING: CIDER's version (0.18.0-snapshot) does not match cider-nrepl's version (0.19.0-snapshot). Things will break!
         More information.
maybe I'm missing some configuration option 😞


@j0ni You can ignore the warning. 0.18 and 0.19 are exactly the same.


I just had to issue this as a different version because we haven’t released 0.18 officially yet. The only thing different is that one is built for nREPL 0.2 and the other for nREPL 0.4.


refactor-nrepl doesn’t have a version for 0.4 yet, although doing this is trivial - it’s a just a matter of changing a few namespaces.


> hmm, should both cider-nrepl and refactor-nrepl be plugins and not dependencies?


The plugins are simply manipulating the project.clj to add the required stuff to lein :repl profile automatically. As lein nrepl doesn’t use this profile, you should configure cider-nrepl simply as a dev dependency with it.

Drew Verlee19:07:40

hello! is there a way to search all functions in a project? that is, can i get a list of them all via cider?


Apropos with .* as your query


I believe that helm-cider does fuzzy matching on apropos for you


Helm-cider or helm-ag is what I use