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@doglooksgood i have an issue at . very simple fix if you want it as well. and thoughts for the future


and i'm just now realizing i didn't follow your concern in "also, will it affect the ns generation?"


In some cases, we I create a new .clj file, it will not automatically insert the ns form. I haven't ran into this issue in the previous version of cider. but I'm not sure about the reason.


@doglooksgood I use clj-refactor, and by setting cljr-add-ns-to-blank-clj-files to t I get automatic insertion of ns forms.


yes, but when I upgrade cider, this not works anymore. I'm not sure why.


just tried with latest cider from melpa and it's still working for me. Maybe you could open an issue on github detailing the steps to reproduce the problem?


> In some cases, we I create a new .clj file, it will not automatically insert the ns form. I haven’t ran into this issue in the previous version of cider. but I’m not sure about the reason.


I guess I should finally move this to clojure-mode, as there’s no reason for it to rely on CIDER. However, nothing has been changed in the single CIDER function it relies on recently (`cider-expected-ns`).

Garrett Hopper23:07:04

Is there a good way to add indentation metadata to code I don't control?


It’s not ideal but you can alter-meta!

Garrett Hopper23:07:35

@arrdem Oh, nice. I didn't know about that.


Doing the alter-meta! thing is super janky, but nobody’s put together indents file support for CIDER yet. PRs accepted as usual 😕 (this is snarking at the fact that I care about this but don’t have spare cycles to do it myself)