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Is there a shortcut for launching cider with specified profiles or aliases?


@theeternalpulse i just successfully upgraded to 26.1. prior to the upgrade i removed my melpa dir so force to reinstall/recompile all packages. no probs with cljr so far. managed to jack in, tested some features i usually use. all ok


suppose you need to get rid of your elc files


Thanks @benedek I fixed it but I honestly struggle to remember what I did. I basically commented out code until I encountered an issue that may have held it up, not sure what it was though.


that should not be necessary… i would save whatever you have working now (just in case), delete the package and reinstall it (make sure it is really deleted from your elpa dir), that should fix it with a vanilla version of the source


> Is there a shortcut for launching cider with specified profiles or aliases?


@doglooksgood Not really. You can just tweak the jack-in command in such cases.

👍 4

I recall back in the day we decided we don’t want to be adding special support for tool-specific features and should stick to a more generic approach.