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hi guys, question: is it already possible to switch to cider/piggieback
as explained in the manual (
Just see if @bhauman has cut a version of figwheel supporting it yet. He added recently support on master, but I don’t know if some stable release happened afterwards.
fantastic, using latest snapshot from @bhauman makes everything work smoothly. Thanks again.
@bozhidar I'm going to do a bit of piggieback tweaking, specifically I'm going to respect some of the cljs repl-options like :caught :wrap
@bozhidar also I think a huge win would be to parse file positions for cljs-compiler eval errors in a way that's helpful for cider.
I've already done the work for parsing file line column info from cljs compile syntax errors, and warnings
Btw, in a similar line of thought - I was wondering what to do with
I haven’t given it much thought it a while, but it has served us well for completion and var info for quite a while. Is this still the best way to go? Should we fold this into orchard? Is someone using it outside of CIDER?
Yeah, this was the original plan, but it’s maintainers stopped working on the project and it remained with just 2 functionalities out of the many that were planned (originally it was planned to support everything CIDER needed to match the CLJ functionality).
Well, I want the users to get a similar experience, an unified API would be a small bonus for me, but it’s not important. The underlying features, however, are quite important.
I just don’t know how far can this approach of inspecting the compiler state get us - I’m assuming for many things eventually we’ll have to evaluate some code, the way we do for Clojure.
I have a WIP germ of a PR for porting cljs-tooling
to self-host so I think it should stay
Self-host has the cljs env available so that lib is awesome for lumo
(just a data point)
Adding a new library with , r a p crashes beginning with: cljr--get-error-value: Error in nrepl-refactor: clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.misc.Launcher, compiling:(mranderson048/alembic/v0v3v2/dynapath/v0v2v3/dynapath/defaults.clj:29:3)
add proj dependency is not supported in java9 unfortunately because of the changed class loader hierarchy in java9
I investigated this a while back and we need to rewrite the feature essentially for java9 and above
Well as i said you have multiple OPTIONS: downgrade, use emecs wo / this particular feature, do PR for me ;)
I’m no expert but isn’t the new frequency of Java updates going to pose problems for Clojure?
Don't think so. For prod projects the least as companies tend to be very conservative in upgrading. But don't think clojure as such has anything breaking in newer versions
I’m speculating but if Clojure functions were defined as Java 8 lambdas wouldn’t they gain something?
I may be wrong here but clojure is a functional language from the beginning with lambdas, anon fns and the like. Also with immutability and lazy seqs
As time goes by I also imagine there will be parts of the new SDK which are defined in terms of the new Java features making them inaccessible to Clojure if it’s based on Java 8, no?
Now it is possible that the clj complier could/can benefit from new java features if they go deep enough eg. to a bytecode level
Although Clojure is functional, as you say, it’s implemented in Java classes as far as I’m aware and it’s creation predates Java 8 lambdas and streams so your typical Clojure function is probably a plain old Java class behind the scenes.
@clojer Clojure targets Java 6(!!!), so it’s not taking advantage of anything introduced in Java 7+.
it will be when finished 😅
Lately I’ve been more interested in ClojureScript, therefore me wandering how we can improve the related libs.
just because you never know how it is going to end up, I opened a WIP PR there
(not working at the moment)