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I believe so, I’ll look at
Unfortunately I don’t know how to help you from here. Clearly it loads dir-locals when it loads cider-repl-mode but from there I don’t know
Cider reads the port that nrepl is listening on from the output so it doesn't need to be configured.
it looks like there's
(defcustom cider-lein-parameters
"repl :headless :host ::"
"Params passed to Leiningen to start an nREPL server via `cider-jack-in'."
:type 'string
:group 'cider
:safe #'stringp)
where you could maybe specify a port? not really sure about advanced startup stuff like that but if so CIDER will see the value@arrdem @wiseman there used to be when sorting was done in elisp. I don't think it is configurable in the newer versions. feel free to file an issue or do a PR tho I would not mind at all to resurrect the feature
mm just restarted my emacs and getting
a recursive require just by doing simply (require cider)
moved back to melpa-stable in the meanwhile, should I raise an issue on github (unless it's something trivially wrong with my setup somehow, seems strange that such a problem could go undetected)
Do you guys have a reasonable workflow when dealing with 3rd party java libs in Emacs/Cider? I mean jumping to the java source files and, perhaps, showing the docstrings.
I'm mostly interested in exploration part - quickly going to the source of the java class and perhaps showing the javadoc.
I tried to add "sources" artifact to the project.clj but cider still cannot reliable find the source file (using jump-to-definition
One good example is
I can use cider-open-classpath-entry
to list contents of "*sources.jar" and navigate to the class but that's not very comfortable.
Also, I need to add sources jar to the dependencies for every java lib on the classpath if I want to look into its source files.
I think that Cursive/IDEA is much better in this case, but I got so used to Emacs/Spacemacs that I have a hard time to switch back 🙂
If the source of some artefact is the classpath the source lookup is going to work in CIDER. It’s as simple as that.
@U051BLM8F well my experience is somewhat different. It doesn't seem to work reliably. Moreover, I was asking if that's something the other guys really use because it seems to be a bit tedious. @U09LZR36F I guess you're talking about - I'll try that!
btw. one variant that I've tried was to add it as a dependency to :repl
:repl {:dependencies [[com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk "4.0.0" :classifier "sources"]]}
I guess that should be it.
It's definitely visible in the output of cider-open-classpath-entry
and I can navigate to the class manually. However, cider (at least in my configuration - more or less standard spacemacs) doesn't seem to be able to jump to most of the definitions (e.g. LDAPConnectionPool class from that artifact)Ad lein-ubersource
plugin: it seems that it's useful mostly for manual grep through all the java sources. I don't immediately see how to use it to automatically add all source jars to the classpath.
@U06BE1L6T brought out this plugin:
@andrea.crotti someone had this same issue and it turned out they had reference to cider-profile. This was recently absorbed into CIDER and now createsa circular reference. Try that and I think you'll be fine
is super valuable, but when I encounter threading macros like ->
, I find I need to refactor my code into nested sexps to use cider-eval
effectively. Is there a way to eval parts of a threading macro or display the results after each step, somewhat like ?
Or do people have other strategies for interactively inspecting the results of threading macros?
It's probably easier to create a script that launches nrepl than to attempt connecting cider to a Socket Repl correct?
clj -A:cider:test - <<EOM
(require 'cider-nrepl.main)
(cider-nrepl.main/init ["cider.nrepl/cider-middleware"])
> It’s probably easier to create a script that launches nrepl than to attempt connecting cider to a Socket Repl correct?
> It’s probably easier to create a script that launches nrepl than to attempt connecting cider to a Socket Repl correct?
Yeah, the socket repl support is a work in progress, which is going on very slowly due to lack of someone with the time to do the necessary refactorings.
@andrea.crotti @dpsutton is right. Just remove the old cider-profile
package you’ve installed at some point.
@benedek cool! thanks for the answer. I may take a pass at it later, although seems like some of the stdlib / 1stparty / 3rdparty bits would be hard to infer
If you're going to clojure sync I'm trying to organize an into to contributing to cider. Check #cider in the slack for the conference
@dpsutton can you get someone to record that session for those who can’t be there?
hoping to get more people to work on