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base698: if you use package you can pin to -stable, e.g.
@nullptr using 0.11 I got the same behavior. 1) unable to use locals in cider-debug and quit responding randomly. 0.11-snapshot from january seems to work fine
Though I can't hate I lost an hour of productivity given I finished the app I was working on in 4 days. Took me 2 weeks to get the first version in python off the ground.
nice! how much of the improvement is clojure and how much is just having done it before? :)
@arrdem for now, you just can't. It's something I want to (and probably will) fix, but it's going to take many months still.
@anmonteiro yes, clojure mode is the package responsible for most of the syntax highlighting. Although CIDER does some additional dynamic highlighting.
@anmonteiro that said, @bozhidar and I are very active on both repos, so you can't go too wrong no matter which one you chose to file the issue.
@base698 regarding the "watch expression": the lastest snapshots (0.12.0) do support that actually. I just merged the PR a couple of days ago.
@malabarba: I was having trouble today getting 0.12 to work. It kept freezing. Also, generally just an awesome project I donated earlier in the week
(there's a usage example here:
I set #dbg and run with C-x C-e. On the first time it seems to work normal and I hit the L key to do the locals.
Is it possible one of the locals was super large? (although even that shouldn't cause freezes)
@base698 ok. I can reproduce it here. I'll look into over the weekend. FTR, you can fix the freeze by typing C-c C-b.
@malabarba: You are definitely the man, thanks for the help
You can track the progress here:
@malabarba: thanks, just reported
I upgraded to cider 0.11, it works very well for me. So far I didn’t stumble upon any bug.