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I gather from the README that this isn’t a CIDER specific issue . . . but does anyone have tips on getting the repl to use the right version of nREPL? Mine loads 0.2.6 no matter what I try
I also can’t get around this issue:
I’m not sure if I’m correctly doing the last suggestion (reinstall cider). I’m using spacemacs and updating that, which I thought updated all packages. If not, how do I manually reinstall cider?
@jeremyraines: from your shell rm -rf ~/.emacs/elpa/cider*
then in emacs M-x package-install [RET] cider [RET]
when I ran into this problem I think I also reinstalled clojure-mode
and dash
packages as well
thanks, trying that
@jeremyraines: for you other question, assuming your using lein:
is “ac-cider” the right thing?
just “cider” didn’t come up
that :repl option didn’t work for me
OK, thanks
if you don't see cider you may need to add the melpa stable repo:
some progress - upgrading lein now gives me 0.2.10 when starting the repl, but I’m not sure my profile is working still because in my profile I’m asking for 0.2.12
no luck on the other front either — I think the packages are getting installed via spacemacs after I delete them, but the repl still doesn’t launch on cider-jack-in. It may be using unstable versions though
my lein profile looks like this:
could it be that refactor-nrepl specifies 0.2.10 as a dep? If that’s it is there any way to override it?
seems that’s not it
sorry for the volume — will move this to a lein channel. But if anyone has other suggestions for getting cider-jack-in
to open a buffer, please do ping me
I'm sure this has been asked a gazillion times, is there support for jump-to-def in ClojureScript yet?
I start up fighweel with nrepl support
and then connect to it and it then just works @jonpither
And cider is even smart enough to realize it’s a cljs repl
Just let me know if you need help
These steps are exactly what I do
@jonpither: There are some steps to start a cljs repl in the README
most of the cljs functionality we have (find def, completion, etc) is in the cljs-tooling
lib which the middleware uses internally
If it doesn't, please report an issue. It's in a state of "we think this works, but it hasn't been extensively tested" at the moment
Cool. Haven't tried cljs in emacs for a while due to REPL pain. Just set up (with figwheel) and it works nicely. Thx
@keeds what’s your process for setting it up? Here’s what I was doing before, which doesn’t work right now
that’s with lein figwheel
running in the terminal. And also this is on 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
@jeremyraines: I ran lein figwheel (with nrepl options in config) cider-connect => localhost:7888 In cider-repl buffer => (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api) (cljs-repl) In cljs buffer can then eval code such as (js/alert "Hi!") to prove using cljs repl
@jeremyraines: using figwheel 0.4.1
ok thanks
getting it going using but not really sure where to put this system stuff to avoid typing it all out in the repl each time
@jeremyraines: look into user.clj
@jeremyraines: there is a bug such that (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api) (cljs-repl)
isn't working right now
ok cool. The system stuff is nice, I’m new to it, but enabling css watching and other add-ons is cool