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sometimes I have issues with cider in some projects, when cider fires up correctly
but if I try a cider-refresh I gert
for example
something to do with the order things are loaded I suppose, but am I doing something wrong in general or that should work?
I'm using the last version CIDER 0.10.0snapshot (package: 20150629.2315)
however it's maybe related with what would be a workaround maybe anyway?
a simple project + those steps in generally the quickest path to a problem’s solution
but it might be related to
@bozhidar: I was just playing around with
GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.8) of 2015-05-19 on lcy01-07
CIDER 0.10.0snapshot (package: 20150629.2315)
and all I did is:
- cider-jack-in
- cider-refresh
but I actually saw the same issue with another project of mine, if in the repl I do (clojure.test/run-all-tests) it works
so it loaded correctly I just can't load files and refresh, in my own project I more or less solve by loading files in a certain order
btw, as I mentioned on the other ticker I wonder if the same problem happens if you just invoke tools.namespace.repl/refresh
from the REPL
as cider-refresh
is a wrapper around this function (to some extent - it actually uses lower-level code to provide better editor experience)
what do you mean by tool.namespace.repl @bozhidar ?
there is but that doesn't contain a namespace
and nothing starting with tools
ah ok well another issue now is that in this repl I don't see any output
code-maat.cmd-line> (tools.namespace.repl/refresh) code-maat.cmd-line> code-maat.cmd-line> (+ 1 2) code-maat.cmd-line>
I think because of the error I got before
mm and now I'm getting out of memory because I have 4 java processes eating all the memory..
when I kill the cider buffer it doesn't seem to kill the process is that normal?
nrepl-server run *nrepl-serve... /dev/pts/21 /bin/bash -c /home/andrea/.local/bin/lein repl :headless nrepl-server<1> run *nrepl-serve... /dev/pts/35 /bin/bash -c /home/andrea/.local/bin/lein repl :headless nrepl-server<2> run *nrepl-serve... /dev/pts/36 /bin/bash -c /home/andrea/.local/bin/lein repl :headless nrepl-server<3> run *nrepl-serve... /dev/pts/37 /bin/bash -c /home/andrea/.local/bin/lein repl :headless
and last thing which annoys me (general Emacs issue maybe) is that I can't get to the source of an Elisp function
(cider-refresh &optional ARG1) Cannot open doc string file "/home/andrea/.emacs.d/elpa/cider-20150629.637/cider-interaction.elc"
but the cider-interaction.el file is there in the same directory
package management is a bit fucked-up and it’s generally best to restart Emacs after upgrading packages
the documentation lookup doesn’t work because it’s trying to access files from the older installation of cider you had prior to updating it
ah right that's probably it @bozhidar
actually I would just like to not upgrade everything all the time and just upgrade on stable new versions
but I still didn't understand if and how I can do that
what about the other question with the repl not being killed?
I guess I just have to kill the nrepl buffer to kill the java process and not just the cider one is that right?
thanks God I'm not
Ubuntu 12.04 n ow
@andrea.crotti I don't know if this matters here, but there are two buffers, the repl and the nrepl. I always have to kill both in order to kill the process.
yeah that's what I realised today @malabarba
I thought killing the repl was enough until then
Cider should probably hook the two buffers together so that killing one kills the other too. What do you think @bozhidar ?
Also @andrea.crotti , one way to only get stable upgrades is to not use Melpa, only Melpa-stable
ah cool didn't know that @malabarba thanks
when you use cider-jack-in
, the nrepl-server
buffer is the one being backed by the process used to start the nrepl server (e.g. lein
the REPL buffer is backed by the actually connection between cider & the nREPL server
yes ok thanks
maybe someone knows here, is there a valid reason why if I write "; TODO: something"
it gets indented in weird places and not at the same levels as the rest
I suppose it's not the way people do it then..
yeah right double semicolon works
annoying because comment-start for clojure-mode is the single semicolon
so my automated function doesn't work
(defun yas-with-comment (str) (format "%s%s%s" comment-start str comment-end))
I can just override it anyway
One ; is for end-of-line comments. Two ;; is for indent-with-code comments. And ;;; or more is for beginning of line comments
is there a way to make cider work with clojurescript? I’m a total newbie, been using emacs for about 4 months.
ah right that explains it
I just override the snippet then I guess @malabarba
@roberto: well, it works with ClojureScript out-of-the-box (piggieback & figwheel are both supported), but not all of the standard features work with cljs (at least not yet)
OK … Clojure is my first JVM language so I’m not super familiar with maven, etc. How might I go about getting the source artifacts for a library dependency and making sure they are in the classpath? Right now it looks like I only have the compiled class files in my local Maven.
@enn Java IDEs, such as Eclipse, will automatically grab source code the moment you ask to look at it.
I don't know if cider and related stuff will do that.