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Why does CIDER say my cider-nrepl version is 0.8.2 (which it used to be), while 0.9.0 is in my profiles.clj:
borkdude: no chance that its being overriden by either the project.clj or a project local profile?
@rickmoynihan: it is coming from somewhere, but I can't see from 'lein deps :tree' from where
are you sure its not accidentally listed as both a plugin and a dependency
I guess there is already a related issue:
@borkdude: This worked for me: :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.6"] [lein-figwheel "0.3.3" :exclusions [cider/cider-nrepl]]]
@mateusz-fiolka: thanks!
i've not been able to get cider-jack-in to work since 0.9? i get a Connected/Success message but cider never seems to activate
Is it reasonable to have both (require 'cl-lib)
and (require 'cl)
in your Emacs startup? I seem to need both for everything to work correctly.
stuartsierra: i've never needed cl-lib
, but your use cases might be more advanced than mine
I was just going by which claims that 'cl
is deprecated.
have cleared out all unnecessary packages (deleted/disabled cljr, etc etc) in both envs
you can install it as a package ->
Oh man, there's even an ascii version for -nw
@stuartsierra: it’s fine to have them both, although normally they should not be mixed
the reason why you need both of them for CIDER 0.9 to work is that someone included a macro from cl
(`assert`) and we didn’t notice this until after the release
@bozhidar: I see. That's exactly the error I encountered. Thanks.
seems that a ton of people get cl
automatically included by one library or another and this is why the problem went unnoticed until the release
Did you try a clean install (removing the cider & clojure-mode folders from .emacs.d/elpa/
and installing it again?