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Calva inspector story; I spent some time today with a frontend developer. Familiar with js/ts, clojure not so much. They wondered how to look at an http request in the Clojure part of the system. We added a def within a function body, and evaluated the bound var we defined in a comment block. The developer immediately noticed the inspector, and clicked into the value they were looking for. Seeing the map was more helpful than staring at the Clojure code with destructuring for them. That wouldn't have been possible without Calva and Calva's inspector. Have a nice weekend!

👍 2
calva 4
🙏 3

Thanks for sharing!

❤️ 1

I would evaluate the bound var without putting into a comment, btw.

👍 1

Good point. I only remember eval toplevel (option enter) in Calva by heart. Perhaps I should learn eval sexp before point too!


Also, Calva has been instrumental every time I've introduced someone to Clojure. Thanks again for a great editor!