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Does calva provide the paredit feature to jump over any closing symbols like ]}) with any symbols of these? I just want to type ] to step over any of these. Is that possible?


There’s Forward Up Sexp, which you can re-bind. Default binding is ctrl+alt+down. (`down` because forward is often down on the screen 😃 ). Is that what you are looking for?


Hey peter, thanks for fast reply. Your answer gave me a hint, that (`ctrl + alt + down`) is reserved by gnome desktop. The function what works most like expected (i won't select) has the binding ctrl+alt+shift+down, but can i get it to work when ever i write a ],},)? That's what i expect from paredit like in emacs or in cursive.

👀 1

I’m not sure I understand the question fully. Tentatively my answer is no, but please describe a bit more with some examples.