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Alexander Kouznetsov17:01:42

How can I further debug this?

[Trace - 9:28:14 AM] Received response 'workspace/executeCommand - (1114)' in 2ms. Request failed: Internal error (-32603).
Error data: {
    "id": 1114,
    "method": "workspace/executeCommand"

[Error - 9:28:14 AM] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Internal error
  Code: -32603 
[object Object]
[Trace - 9:28:15 AM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeLens - (1115)'.
Params: {
    "textDocument": {
        "uri": "file:///Users/.../.calva/output-window/output.calva-repl"

Alexander Kouznetsov17:01:20

Happens when I save a file. Results in this popup.


Do you have evalOnSave enabled?

Alexander Kouznetsov19:01:12

Yes. I think I actually found how to stop this. I had several other things on save enabled:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
     "source.fixAll": "explicit",
     "source.organizeImports": "explicit"
  "runOnSave.commands": [
      "command": "cljfmt -w \"${file}\"",
      "match": "\\.(clj(s)?|edn)$",
      "runIn": "backend"
Disabling all editor.codeActionsOnSave fixed it. runOnSave.commands runs a custom clojure code formatter we use in our company. Here I run it with extension. What’s worse, I found that those editor actions created garbage around requires and first lines of the code.


TIL runOnSave.commands.

👍 1