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Ingy döt Net15:09:02

I just noticed that with something like:

  #_(prn 1)
      (prn 2)
  (prn 3)
pressing tab to reformat doesn't work. The #_ form prevents it for some reason.


I can’t reproduce this. Is there something else in your file that might make this happen?

Ingy döt Net20:09:59

Apparently because the exmaple I gave you works fine here 😕

Ingy döt Net20:09:01

Now I can't find it or repro


Too bad. Would be great with something minimal like what you posted, but with whatever it takes to repro. Next time! 😃

Ingy döt Net20:09:21

I'll be looking for it and next time I'll make sure it's reproducable

🙏 1

I've had this happen before, but only when using CTRL+ALT+L in VSCode. It only happens if you comment code using #_ { "key": "ctrl+alt+l", "command": "calva-fmt.alignCurrentForm", "when": "calva:keybindingsEnabled && editorTextFocus && !editorReadOnly && !hasOtherSuggestions && !suggestWidgetVisible && editorLangId == 'clojure'" } Heres the devtools error:

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:52

Hello, I think this may be an issue with Calva evaluating the file. See thread for more details…

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:41


; Execution error (NoSuchMethodError) at clj-yaml.core/make-yaml (core.clj:126).
; org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer: method <init>()V not found
Code that generates the error:
(defn ^:private load-yaml [fileName]
  (-> fileName

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:48

The (yaml/parse-string) generates the error I’m using latest clj-commons/clj-yaml {:mvn/version "1.0.27"}, Version 1.0.26 works fine. Runtime code works fine. Its just in my VSCode that I see the error

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:57

Commands that I run in Calva: ctrl + alt + c, ctrl + alt + j (this starts the repl) ctrl + alt + c, then click enter, to evaluate file.

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:16

:require [ :as io]
            [clj-yaml.core :as yaml]

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:44

Let me know if there is anything you need to reproduce.


What is meant with “Runtime code works fine”?

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:42

Our clojure main, runs in our kubernetes DEV environment without issues.


Does it load this file?

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:58

Yes. I believe so. Just switching versions to 1.0.26 works.

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:14

Here is a partial stacktrace:

clj-yaml.core/make-yaml (core.clj:126)
clj-yaml.core/make-yaml (core.clj:102)
clojure.core/apply (core.clj:667)
clojure.core/apply (core.clj:662)
clj-yaml.core/parse-string (core.clj:301)
clj-yaml.core/parse-string (core.clj:263)
viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.config/load-yaml (config.clj:13)


Can you load the file from the command line repl?

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:27

I’m not setup to do that locally, I can try it tomorrow. But because the runtime works, I feel like it should probably work too.


How can Calva evaluate the file if you can’t do it from the command line? (I’m not very familiar with kubernetes.)

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:37

Pez, if you can give me the steps, I’ll do it. I went straight to Calva in working with Clojure. And I’m working with existing functionality.

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:18

Anyways, I was just letting you know in case you want to look at it. I can use the old version for now.


Is it a Leiningen project?

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:32

no its a deps.edn.

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:01

Don’t worry about it man. We can look into it next time

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:34

I thought it would be super easy for you to try it out, but looks like it might be kind of tough


Haha, I am already worrying about it. 😃 Let’s figure out what we can figure out.

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:20

Without Calva, I’m useless. The command line is impossible.


Are you using Jack-in to start the repl?


What’s the jack-in command line? (Calva has a command for copying the jack-in command line to the clipboard).

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:29

I can make a short video of what I’m doing if that will help


I think I get what you are doing from the description above. (I had just managed to forget that you used jack-in.) The jack-in command line will show us how to start the repl ourselves.

Kiyanosh Kamdar21:09:19

Ok, I started it on the command line, let me try to connect to it from Calva


To try to isolate the problem we should get Calva out of the test first. As well as nrepl. So if you paste the jack-in command line here, I will try to edit a command line that will start an interactive repl prompt in the terminal.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:10

clojure -Sdeps ‘{:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version,“1.0.0”},cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version,“0.28.5"}}}’ -M -m nrepl.cmdline --middleware “[cider.nrepl/cider-middleware]”

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:15

; Starting Jack-in Terminal: pushd /Users/kkamdar/repos/sdp-api/app/smoketests ; clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version,"1.0.0"},cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version,"0.28.5"}}}' -M -m nrepl.cmdline --middleware "[cider.nrepl/cider-middleware]" ; popd


Yes, that. You should be able to start a repl prompt just typing clj on the prompt.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:30

i can do that, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to load the file.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:40

Googling around, its not clear


=> (require 'the.ns.of.the.file)
Should do it.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:58

did that, let me try it again. I also tried (load-file).


Yes, load-file is more like what Calva does.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:34

kkamdar@C02G41SJML7L smoketests % clj
Clojure 1.11.1
user=> (requir(require 'viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main)
user=> (in-ns (in-ns viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main)
Execution error (ClassCastException) at user/eval508 (REPL:1).
class java.lang.Class cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.Symbol (java.lang.Class is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; clojure.lang.Symbol is in unnamed module of loader 'app')

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:41

let me try again using load-file

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:12

Clojure 1.11.1
user=> (load-f(load-file "src/main/clojure/viasat/sdp/api/smoketests/main.clj")
user=> (in-ns (in-ns 'viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main)
#object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x5386cb4f "viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main"]
viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main=> (config/get-endpoints)           (config/get-endpoints)
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.config/load-yaml (config.clj:12).
Cannot open <nil> as a Reader.


What you pasted looks strange. Two nested in-ns.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:44

i know. I think the output is just messed up


Yeah. but you are also missing the quote on the namespace. That’s what the error message is about.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:14

same error:

Clojure 1.11.1
user=> (load-f(load-file "src/main/clojure/viasat/sdp/api/smoketests/main.clj")
user=> (in-ns (in-ns 'viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main)
#object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x5386cb4f "viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main"]
viasat.sdp.api.smoketests.main=> (config/get-endpoints)           (config/get-endpoints)
Execution error (NoSuchMethodError) at clj-yaml.core/make-yaml (core.clj:126).
org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer: method <init>()V not found

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:05

But running it like this:

exec java $JAVA_OPTS \
    -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
    -Dclojure.debug=false \
    -jar /app/smoketests-standalone.jar

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:13

works. So maybe its not related to Calva


Yeah, since you get the error without Calva, it means this is not caused by nrepl or Calva.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:47

But related to clj. I can try upgrading to a later version

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:04

Ok, thanks Pez, sorry for being a pest. Let me try to update the version


It could also be related to the clj-yaml version. Check in #C042XAQFCCU if someone has an idea what could be going on.

Kiyanosh Kamdar22:09:49

oh ok, let me check there, didn’t know there was a channel for it


It’s natural to start asking here, especially since it works running the standalone jar.