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Ingy döt Net13:07:51

😄 Note, the vi(m) emulation in vscode is really quite good. And works well when using Calva.

😆 2

@U05H8N9V0HZ can you share a list of plugins/config you use? I was under the impression that the vim emulation is OKish (assuming you get the right set of plugins) but conflicts with default keybindings for Calva et al. I'm a Doom emacs (evil-mode) user myself, but I do sometimes get the itch to try VSCode just to see what I'm missing. The assumption that I can't have a good vim and Calva experience has always been a blocker for me.

Ingy döt Net13:07:02

@U05476190 I'm quite new (a month) to using vscode. And not seriously yet. My plugins are just the basics. But i'll take a look for you.

Ingy döt Net13:07:13

lol. I opened the info view for the vim extension and vscode crashed!

Ingy döt Net13:07:07

that's all. Have you tried it? What are the problems?

Ingy döt Net13:07:48

I'm a fairly well seasoned vim user, but very new to Calva.

Ingy döt Net13:07:42

I recall having trouble using some of the paredit keybindings when going through the calva tutorials. But didn't seem vim related.


I just remember that a lot of the paredit and eval bindings were different than what I expected and that the vim emulation would sometimes not do what I expected (ie. missing vim command or slightly different behavior). It was nothing major, but just a lot of papercuts and I remember giving up and going back to my emacs. I will eventually sit down and try again; it is comforting to hear other vim users are managing. But first, I have to wait and accumulate frustration with my current setup to build up enough potential energy to get over the hump of non-action. 😅