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Probably a small crowd but for anyone that uses neovim with VS Code and has had problems with paredit, I some time this past week implementing paredit in Lua that using the treesitter API. The linked gist (which will become a proper repo) implements slurp, barf, split, splice, next/prev (like zipper), wrap, kill, yank, and swap. As long as you have treesitter setup, the code can be placed on your runtime path and work.

metal 4

Also, this implementation will work for other languages too, not just Clojure. Excluding splice and split, many of these operations will just work for other languages. So far I’ve tested them on VimL and Lua.


Bookmarked for the next time I try out Calva again. Not having good vim+paredit support in VSCode is one reason I could not justify giving up my evil-emacs setup.


@U05476190 Same here. I started using VS Code for everything other than Clojure because Emacs' paredit was flawless.