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Hi I am having issues with Jack-in - I run the command and I can see the status bar saying "Activating Extension..." but not Repl window appears. I was having issues with Calva running very slowly before this and now it won't launch - Any ideas? I am using: [2.0.329] - 2023-02-01


Hi! I'm sorry you're having issues with Calva! It could be that v2.0.329 is causing this. Please try with 328 and let us know how you fare.

J Crick13:02:31

I just updated to the latest Calva, and now tons of things are no longer working, such as specific syntax highlighting (e.g., keywords), recognition of unused imports, default ns being added to new files etc. Anyone else seeing this?


There are more people having this issue. Use v2.0.328 for now. See for more discussion.


For the keywords highlighting and unused import recognition - can you give some example code where this happens?


Also, are you on Windows per chance?

J Crick14:02:36

First, yes, I am on Windows.

J Crick14:02:15

Second, I'll need to update Calva - I reverted. But, I'll do that, and post some sample code for you.


Thanks that would be very helpful 🙏:skin-tone-2:


Are you using WSL or Windows directly?

J Crick14:02:08

Windows directly.


Ok that matches the setup of Thiery I think who originally reported issues, which is good indicator of a shared cause

J Crick14:02:01

Here's a screen capture for you. Does this help?


It's hard to see from that screenshot since it depends on the theme and what you expect to see and such. 😃 But I take it as clojure-lsp not working and thus you lack the extra semantic tokens that it adds.

J Crick15:02:57

I can supply a second image, so you can contrast

J Crick15:02:08

But I need to run. I'll get it soon.

J Crick05:02:50

@U04HKE0BTC5 It's looking MUCH better!


Hi I might be having the same issues with 2.0.239. I am running on Windows using I think WSL. I have tried uninstalling and then reinstalling - the main symptom is that I can't get the repl to appear.


Going back to 236 fixed the issue


The other people who reported this issue are not using WSL. Could you verify whether or not WSL is involved in your case?


Hi @U4C3ZU6KX, can you describe ”can't get the repl to appear” a bit?


Sorry, I was wrong - I must be using it with Windows direct as I see this in the terminal window: cmd.exe /d /c lein update-in :dependencies conj [nrepl,"1.0.0"] -- The repl not appearing - is that I ask to jack in and normally I would be asked to select!&amp;&amp;p=1ae2c4619f933fb9JmltdHM9MTY3NTI5NjAwMCZpZ3VpZD0yYzQwZTU5Ni1jZGQzLTY4NjMtMWJiMy1mNzNkY2M2ODY5OTUmaW5zaWQ9NTIyMQ&amp;ptn=3&amp;hsh=3&amp;fclid=2c40e596-cdd3-6863-1bb3-f73dcc686995&amp;psq=clojure+leiningen&amp;u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvTGVpbmluZ2VuXyhzb2Z0d2FyZSk&amp;ntb=1. This does not appear.


Thanks. This is not good at all... Are you using a Workspace with folders added or is it a regular folder?


To my non-experienced eye it looks like a standard lein project. There is a folder for .calva.


How do I install that?


Is there a way to achieve the equivalent of the following through jack-in?

npx.cmd shadow-cljs -d cider/cider-nrepl:0.28.5 -A :dev-cljs watch :test :app
The -A :dev-cljs is what I'm not sure how to get working (without including it in top level :deps :aliases in shadow-cljs.edn).


I don't think we can do this yet. The other day I saw some code that seemed to be about this, but it didn't seem to be wired. Please file an issue about it. For now you'll have to run that command yourself and connect the repl.

gratitude 2