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In a ClojureScript REPL, how can I make 'go to definition' take me to the cljs file in src/... instead of the (same-named) output cljs file in resources/public/cljs-out/...? Or, alternatively, how can I prevent the cljs file from being copied from src to the js output directory, since I don't think I need it there?


Leiningen+Figwheel Main, if that matters


> In a ClojureScript REPL, how can I make 'go to definition' take me to the cljs file in src/... instead of the (same-named) output cljs file in resources/public/cljs-out/...? I've never had that happening to me. Is this new behaviour, or have you had it for long? You can tell VS Code to not search for files in output directories. Maybe that would help... > Or, alternatively, how can I prevent the cljs file from being copied from src to the js output directory, since I don't think I need it there? This is not Calva or clojure-lsp doing. Could be a source-map thing, and Figwheel Main moving the cljs files to where the browser can access them?


Dear Calva friends. • Fix: So now clojure-lsp should work on Nix and similar. And #joyride has proper nREPL connect support. See:

🎉 6
calva 6