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Cora (she/her)01:02:19

good grief, enabling strict null checks is so painful

Lukas Domagala09:02:10

yeah, there are a lot of places in the codebase that can potentially explode, even though most never will. time to rewatch “maybe not” 🙂

Mitul Shah03:02:31

Would there be any setting or extension for VSCode that converts short form class names into long form one? For example [ “Hello”] into [:div {:class “flex items-center”} “Hello] There's an extension called Emmet that does something similar for HTML, but can't find a CLJS equivalent (hoping calva supports?)


Calva doesn't do this. Someone should make a hiccup extension. 😀


I think rewrite-clj might be a good tool for the job.

👀 1

I have a (probably seriously flawed) requirement to support IE11 due to its continued use in the UK NHS.


Sorry for nagging. but please use threads to keep your question together. See the pinned channel item about this.


…which I think is possible provided I freeze shadow-cljs at a version round November 2021. To do that I need to start the REPL off with ‘npx shadow-cljs -d cider/cider-nrepl:0.26.0 watch :app’ rather than the current 0.27.0. I can do that by downgrading Calva, I know.


That's not necessary. You just need shadow to output ES5 code.


Unless Google Closure removed that which I highly doubt


I have tried the :es5 option, but some goog es6 code was still getting through in the project. Very difficult to discover why.


But is there a parameter I can change that will allow me to patch in cider-nrepl-0.26.0 withoutt having to downgrade Calva too?


There is a setting: calva.jackInDependencyVersions. You can also just start shadow the way you suggested and instead of jack-in, use Connect to a running REPL.


Thank ypu!

🙏 1

Sorry for the delay - are there any docs on the values I would have to patch in to this calva.jackInDependencyVersions setting? I can’t find any mention of it in Calva Settings or in docs?


If you autocomplete the setting in the settings editor it will fill in the default values. Does that help you?


Ah yes… such a clever editor. My problem is I grew up in an age when editors were mostly dumb!


I did as well. 😃 Learnt vi on an SCO Unix System V box.


When I press backspace, I get a "command 'paredit.deleteBackward' not found error. Anyone else get this? How did you fix it?


Switching to an old version (2.0.230) worked for me


I think it was a clash with this extension: Name: Paredit Id: clptn.code-paredit Description: Paredit for VS Code Version: 0.1.1 Publisher: clptn VS Marketplace Link:


Interesting. Thanks for sharing what you found out!

Ferdinand Beyer18:02:53

Is it possible that java processes started with calva’s jack-in keep sticking around? I “disconnected from the REPL” in my project, and even closed the VS Code window, but the JVM for leiningen + the one for my repl are still running…


It's been reported to happen on Linux. Are you using that? In any case, the workarounds for now include: 1. Start the repl in a terminal then connect the repl from Calva. (There's a command Copy Jack-in Command Line to Clipboard to ensure you still get Calva's dependencies injected. 2. Remember to kill the Jack-in process manually (`ctrl+c` in the Jack-in terminal).

Ferdinand Beyer18:02:06

Running macOS, not sure if it happens only with leiningen or also with deps.edn projects… Thanks, will keep an eye on that!

Ferdinand Beyer18:02:17

OK, when disconnecting, I see Socket closed stacktraces in the Jack-in terminal and I never realised that the process is still running and can be quit with ctrl+c. Good to know!


I also started noticing this exact behaviour on Linux recently (few weeks, months). I disregarded it initially but this week I realised it was an issue. wanted to get some time to see what was the issue


I saw it with deps.edn


I think also leaning but not sure


It probably isn't about the project type. I think it is a VS Code issue. They've beeen developing the terminal's behaviour quite a lot lately and I think the pseudo terminals might need some special attention from them. And since very long we have a hack in Calva dealing with zombie jack-in processes on Windows.