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I have two questions, but only one here (companion question is on #clojurescript channel). When I run clj -M --main cljs.main , Clojure on the JVM creates a repl in a firefox browser instance, but does not present a repl prompt at the terminal. I mention this only to show the minimum necessary to get a browser repl loaded whether or not accessible. Calva uses cider.piggieback middleware on a JVM repl. Once cider.piggieback establishes the browser repl, when I send say (+ 1 1) from the repl prompt, does it go to the cider.piggieback middleware first and then get passed to the browser repl, or does it go direct to the browser repl?


I’m not sure, but you might find the answer by looking at the piggieback source and the nrepl docs. Piggieback is nrepl middleware.


Thanks Brandon, I will read that.

👍 1

@brandon.ringe: I think this should be added to Clava docs? WDYT? I do have a question (probably more VSCode related) : Can these settings be done on a per project ? I would like to have debugging and logging options enabled only for project-x when I open it, not all projects.

.Calva JVM debugging options

    # See docs here  and 
    "calva.jackInEnv": {
        "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS": "${env:JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS} -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=TRACE -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7896"



If you think this is something that would benefit others, I think it should be added to the docs.


I think you can set per project/workspace settings in a .vscode directory in the project.




thanks, I think so - sometimes you need to be able to debug your clojure app and it's not always obvious how to do that


I'll see when I can make some time to create a PR


(I found it in a reply form @pez on this channel). I needed it to be able to debug a clojure app that used some Java libraries. In the above, I change slf4j logging and also enable VM debug mode