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The sponsorship program went online just a few days ago, so you are among the very first to sponsor me, btw. 😍
Psst, Calva-friends! I have good news. The Calva Team is now a gang of four, with @brandon.ringe agreeing to join more officially as a team member. Brandon has been a steady contributor, with feedback, and code, and advice for quite a while now. It is my great pleasure to announce this!

Now I am using your new build pez. It works without problem and features works as expected so for. Btw is it possible to not have termial show up when we connent to repl.
I didn't see option for not opening repl windows on connect. It's not on changelog neither will it be available on next update or I failed to find ? 😄
heya @pez, have you considered a slamhound-like feature in calva?
slamhound itself doesn't seem to work with clojure 1.10 ( nor with clojurescript (
the auto-namespace functionality sounds like a good fit for an editor extension though
as it already contains the necessary information to act on it (current file path, repl access)
really? is there a way to use it in calva?
that'd be great
oh, it doesn't seem to work with cljs ( or shadow-cljs in general (
yes thats the reason why i stopped right know to add refactor-nrepl into calva started a branch a while ago but didnt add to much because with cljs/cljc i hit a wall
Hard problem to solve. Trin is promising. If someone was keen to pick up refactor I'm sure benedek would be open to that.
@m373h4n I think you failed to find. But it could also be that I failed to include it. Will check.
I think that what we need is a common library for building (and preferably sharing) the AST across multiple use cases. Right now Calva builds several ASTs for the same text, and clj-kondo and clj-refactor also builds their own, in their own ways... It's a bit crazy and kittens die.
> Right now Calva builds several ASTs for the same text Well, that's something within the scope of one project, seems like a good starting point 😉
Yea, I'd be happy to convert lsp to it and contribute but I barely have the bandwidth for lsp.
> Well, that's something within the scope of one project, seems like a good starting point 😉 Fair enough. 😃 And we should consider trin for it.
happy to hear that trin considered a good idea. had some time to work on it in September. more specifically on integrating it with cider-nrepl. but far from finished and not much time to work on it now unfortunately
it would also be nice if people can build on @lee's rewrite-cljc so it will be compatible with CLJ and CLJS
i was keeping an eye on that but it seemed it is not yet ready to be used. maybe i got confused
I guess there's no deadline for any of these tools, but if there's no foundation, there's nothing to be built upon it 🙂
I'm not sure how clj-kondo could use rewrite-cljc though, as it has different needs (it doesn't rewrite, only analyzes) and quite some changes to it already
ok, after I finish up my current distraction, I'll hop back over to rewrite-cljc and work towards a release.
if there is enough interest in clj-kondo on CLJS though, I would maybe incorporate bits of rewrite-cljc
even if it wasn't only about CLJC, it would be awesome if rewrite-clj had a future, because the original author doesn't respond anymore
cool, @sogaiu was experimenting with graalvm-ability of rewrite-cljc, but did not get it going yet.
the formatting side of it is handled pretty well with zprint
you can even use it from npm
"format": "zprint-clj -i \"./src/**/*.{clj,cljs,cljc,edn}\" -o ./ && zprint-clj -i \"./*.edn\" -o ./",
(on a npm script)
hmm I wonder if I could use rewrite-cljc for scaffolding
e.g. in a shadow-cljs + re-frame project generating a lazy loaded feature area
that'd need altering a few files plus making new ones with certain templated bits
@lee yes, that's right -- not sure whether it will be faster to just from scratch again or to try to recreate the context. i'm not having success digging up our discussion which covered the commit from which building stopped working.
@sogaiu oh gee, me neither... I did recently fix a bug where I was using the wrong clojure reader in one spot. Could that contribute to graalvm-ability?
@lee that can surely make a difference. using tools.reader/... vs tools.reader.edn/... can make things go bad with graalvm
tools.reader.edn/... guarantees absolutely no eval, resolve, etc. and that's what makes graalvm go crazy
i'm digging around here -- ah there's a build log of a run for a babashka that i tried to graft rewrite-cljc (one of the playground branches i think) on: