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first time, when I see an opacity on comment, I was glad about it, cause now there is much easier for eyes to do not put an attention on comments in code. But after some time I find out, that a significant part of my work I type and eval code in comments, and theirs opacity is not good for continious work. But the solution comes instantly - make second different comment macro, that will not be opaque, and choose any your need in case 🙂

(defmacro comment- [& x] nil)


there is more to this. Calva specially allows evaluation of top-level forms that are inside (comment ...) I did you macro trick as well, only to find that out the hard way


I'm unable to use any connect options to stop something like (loop [x 0] (recur (inc x))). I would want not only to regain control of the REPL, but also to stop it from consuming CPU. In my workflow things like this (well, not exactly this, but long-running and potentially non-terminating processes) occur frequently. The only way I've been able to stop them is to quit/restart VSCode. More normally, I run a lot of things from lein run shell commands rather than from within Calva, but that's a bummer.


I hear you about interrupt. And I need it myself. Please push for it and provide reasons on the issue on Github: It's more visible there and maybe someone who want to help finds it and make the implementation. I won't have time for this until I have some idea on how to do it. And that might take some time, or I don't shower often enough.

👍 4

@ivana: I almost only use comments for code that I evaluate while developing. What I do is that I mark stuff that really is disabled with #_ and format comments as italics like so in settings.json:

"clojureWarrior.commentFormStyle": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",

👍 4

Thanks, it looks nice!