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Hey all. Just dropping by to say a big thank you to Peter for working on Calva. I’m new to Clojure and Calva has helped me tremendously in that I didn’t have to learn to work with a new editor (the switch from Sublime Text to VS Code is pretty seamless, compared to Vim/Emacs) on top of a totally new language and programming paradigm. Peter, your work is really meaningful.
Oh, wonderful, @sasho.popov. You have just made my day!
A testimonial like that would be super great to have as a review on the marketplace. Just say'n 😄 ❤️
After jack-in Calva gives me options to select :app, node-repl, and browser-repl. If I choose :app two calva repl windows appear, both of them not connected to the project, ie i cannot eval forms.
sample .edn
{:source-paths ["src"]
:dependencies [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.21.1"]]
:builds {:app {:target :node-library
:exports {:handler server.main/handler}
:output-dir "target"
:output-to "target/main.js"}}}
the cljs repl:
REPL connected.
No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.
same true though if i start app manually (shawdow watch app) and try to connect to the nrepl via Calva connect, like in the good old days:)
I sometimes find it a bit tricky to connect the shadow repl to the app. But i usually get it going... Can you pack a small project for me that I can test with? (Tomorrow, late here).
REPL connected.
(ns server.main
(:require ["aws-sdk" :as AWS]
[server.atomic-inc :as ai]
[server.create-item :as ci]
[server.create-table :as ct]
[server.delete-item :as di]
[server.delete-table :as dt]
[ :as ri]
[server.update-item :as ui]
[server.update-item-conditionally :as uic]