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@martinklepsch Yeah that’s what I’m pretty much wanting to do.
@jupl that seems counter to how boot works - would it fit your use case to copy the source to a temporary place, then rename the dir, alter the fileset and pass that on to the next task?
What's the standard procedure to get a boot bREPL session fully connected? I have an nREPL running in my server process, and I can connect to it with boot -c
, but I don't have access to js
or any of the other functions I would expect in namespaces in my code
@talexxx is the place to search for documentation
There is this issue but I don't even see locally defined vars in a namespace
> cljs-repl is the task to be used in the task pipeline whereas start-repl
is how you connect to the ClojureScript REPL once you’re in a Clojure REPL.
did you run (start-repl)
in your clojure repl @talexxx ?
I'm using a boot build file originally generating by tenzing, so I have a dev task that looks like this:
(deftask run []
(comp (serve)
So I'm connecting to whatever that task announces as its server: nREPL server started on port 52361 on host -
same behavior to what?
after running boot repl -c -p 52361
, have you tried running (start-repl)
So the client needs to connect to the nREPL then start a websocket connection with start-repl
I pretty much just repeated what’s written here but maybe there’s a way it could be written more prominently
do you think it would make sense to create a PR on boot-http with a switch that would support ?