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When using where do we put the *.clj files so taht we use them for geenrating css, but the cljs compiler doesn't try to compile them?
@qqq the cljs compiler won't try to compile .clj files unless they have macros in them that you :require
in a cljs namespace, right?
@qqq: (1) I don't know how cljs compiler deals with clj files that do not contain macros. (2) I have boot-garden setup properly. The README.MD forgets to say (require '...'), but it's included in the sample code, so it all works out.
haha, hi @martinklepsch, just dusting off my old slack login here!
@qqq Boot-garden compiles Garden CLJ files to Css using Clojure, not ClojureScript
@juhoteperi : the problem I wanted to avoid was cljs compiling all existing *.clj files in hopes of finding amcros
aha, cljs shouldn't do that
I've seen this behaviour too ^^ I've used the cljs compiler to find syntax errors on write
how do I combine the following into a single line?
boot repl -c
... wait a bit ...
(dirac :join)
I tried boot repl -c -e '(dirac :join)'
and getting some weird EOF errordoes anyone here use boot-npm? I'm just looking for a project with a build.boot where it's used to get me started
@cddr @chrisdevo boot show -p