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I have a python script that I used to split up some clojure code, I then used the script to divide the code into segments. I want to evaluate the return value at every segment from the terminal.
So I can insert the result of the last expressions return value between every segment.
I want to generate another file that looks like this
(def x (+ 1 2))
=> x
(def y (+ x 4)
=> y
(* y x)
=> 10
Or something like that, I just want to know what the last expression up to each root expression evaluated to, so I can add my little thing (`=> XXX`) that says what the value was at that point.
@micha (mostly just for those following at home). The following seems to work, the first task will not let you evaluate (ns …)
declarations. The second seems to work fine.
:source-paths #{"src/"}
'[[org.clojure/core.logic "0.8.10"]])
(deftask load-code-fails-to-load-namespaces
"Loads and evaluates the string prints to STDOUT"
[c code-to-eval VAL code "The code to be evaluated"]
(-> code-to-eval println))
(deftask load-code
"Loads and evaluates the string prints to STDOUT"
[c code-to-eval VAL str "The code to be evaluated"]
(-> code-to-eval load-string println))
Stephens-MacBook-Pro:reasoned stephen$ boot load-code -c "(ns reasoned.ch1
> (:require
> [clojure.core.logic :as logic :refer [run run* == u# s# fresh conde]])
> (:refer-clojure :exclude [==]))
> ;; > Given
> (defn teacupo [x]
> (conde
> ((== :tea x) s#)
> ((== :cup x) s#)))
> ;; > What is the value of
> (run* [r]
> (teacupo r))
> "
(:tea :cup)