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So I did the steps on this page :
but now I see this error message :
C:\Users\rwobb\Desktop\myfw1app>boot run
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: No such namespace: io
data: {:file
:line 15}
java.lang.RuntimeException: No such namespace: io
boot.main/-main/fn main.clj: 196
boot.main/-main main.clj: 196
boot.App.runBoot 399
boot.App.main 488
Boot.main 258
@micha : here it is :
(def version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT")
aot {:namespace #{'myfw1app.main}}
pom {:project 'myfw1app
:version version
:description "FIXME: write this!"}
jar {:main 'myfw1app.main
:file (str "myfw1app-" version "-standalone.jar")})
(set-env! :resource-paths #{"src" "resources"}
;; the org.clojure/clojure dependency here only affects
;; what is bundled in the uberjar via the build task so
;; be careful if it is different to the version you have
;; configured for Boot!
:dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "RELEASE"]
[framework-one "RELEASE"]
; comment this out if you don't want
; to use http-kit at all:
[http-kit "RELEASE"]])
(deftask build []
(comp (aot) (pom) (uber) (jar) (target :dir #{"target"})))
(deftask run
[p port PORT int "the port on which to run the application."
c config ARG=VAL {kw str} "the config map for the application."]
(require '[myfw1app.main :as app])
((resolve 'app/start) port config))
(defn- generate-lein-project-file!
[& {:keys [keep-project] :or {:keep-project true}}]
(let [pfile (io/file "project.clj")
pname (or (get-env :project) 'boot-project)
pvers (or (get-env :version) "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT")
prop #(when-let [x (get-env %2)] [%1 x])
head (list* 'defproject pname pvers
(prop :url :url)
(prop :license :license)
(prop :description :description)
[:dependencies (get-env :dependencies)
:source-paths (vec (get-env :source-paths))]))
proj (pp-str (concat head (mapcat identity (get-env :lein))))]
(if-not keep-project (.deleteOnExit pfile))
(spit pfile proj)))
(deftask lein-generate
"Generate a leiningen `project.clj` file.
This task generates a leiningen `project.clj` file based on the boot
environment configuration, including project name and version (generated
if not present), dependencies, and source paths. Additional keys may be added
to the generated `project.clj` file by specifying a `:lein` key in the boot
environment whose value is a map of keys-value pairs to add to `project.clj`."
[] (generate-lein-project-file! :keep-project true))
and the
namespace must have already been compiled by the time the clojure compiler tries to compile the (
the only thing I have done is make a template and did the changes so I can work in Cursive with it
if you are going to use a name in a namespace in your program, you must require that namespace first
and you get a "no such namespace" error when evaluating that code because you have not require
that namespace
you will get the same error in any clojure program if you use a name in a namespace that has not been require
nope, I see this :
boot.user=> (require '[clojure.string :as str])
boot.user=> str/ends-with?
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: No such var: str/ends-with?, compiling:(C:\Users\rwobb\AppData\Local\Temp\boot.user3676501736451595417.clj:7:1)
Im will try this framework :