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Chris Bidler01:08:27

newbie question: I’m using boot inside a CIDER repl session launched with cider-jack-in. I can call (get-env :boot-class-path) and see many JARs included there, including the .jar wherein I know to reside a certain fn

Chris Bidler01:08:10

yet, when I call (require ‘[the-fn.namespace :refer [the-fn another-fn]]) I get told NoClassDefFoundError

Chris Bidler01:08:38

and I’m just not sure where to look next. Could my CIDER session be messing things up somehow?


@chris_johnson the namespace is in a jar file?


what is the namespace called?

Chris Bidler01:08:15



you can do like ( "datomic/backup_cli.clj")

Chris Bidler01:08:52

I am trying to write up an AWS Lambda function to do backups so I don’t have to run a c3.large instance just to do a nightly cron job


if that returns a URL then you know it's on the classpath


require can still fail if it fails to compiler for whatever reason


ah yeah aws lambda and clojure is ... weird

Chris Bidler01:08:14

well that part I’m not so worried about, yet

Chris Bidler01:08:12

I’m worried about how I’m following other examples (gists and posts) of how to do the thing I want to do at all and …apparently it just doesn’t work when I try it?


i don't know a lot about cider unfortunately, being a vim user


you can try it in the boot repl perhaps


and if that works then it's probably related to the cider configuration

Chris Bidler01:08:21

oh, I see what’s wrong

Chris Bidler01:08:32

so earlier I had just physically cp’d the jar into my ~/.m2/repository (since it’s not distributed directly) and then later I thought “well maybe I should mvn install from the checkout I have just to see if I missed something”

Chris Bidler01:08:09

and now instead of the 6MB .jar file, in my ~/.m2/repository I find a 3.7KB, 7-line-long “.jar file"

Chris Bidler01:08:37

so that’s at least something I have to fix before I go looking for problems downstream of it, sorry for bothering the channel


haha no worries

Chris Bidler01:08:05

thanks a ton for the tip though, I didn’t know about that and it helped me just now


yeah sometimes you don't get all the info from the exception that require throws

Chris Bidler01:08:34



are you good at maven stuff btw?

Chris Bidler01:08:59

I’m not …terrible?


i've been trying to find out some things about how it's done

Chris Bidler01:08:25

I’ve been doing it a long time but I don’t have the urge to learn more about it than I have to


so i have a project with some dependencies, and those have dependencies that will be pulled into my project transitively


if one of those dependencies has a <repositories> element in the POM with repositories that i have not configured in my pom.xml, is Maven going to add those to my project automatically to resolve the transitive dependencies?

Chris Bidler01:08:25

oh wow - I wouldn’t think so but I’d have to gin up a test case to be sure


i made a test today with boot where i modified a pom to add <repositories> and some bogus deps, and sure enough it does add them to my project. but that seems somewhat unsound


i'm curious what real mvn tool does in this situation

Chris Bidler01:08:52

so like if you had a transitive dependency on Datomic and wanted to pull it in from automatically, you mean

Chris Bidler01:08:11

and your actual project POM didn’t know anything about


well in my case i have a project that depends on tailrecursion/warp, which is in my local .m2 cache


this is like a junk dependency i use for testing things

Chris Bidler01:08:47

mmm, local cache is very different from a separate remote repo from Maven’s perspective though


i modified its pom to include a <repository> that went to like


and added a bogus dependency that doesn't exist in any of my project repos


i added the bogus dep to the tailrecursion/warp pom


when i resolve deps Aether does try to use a repo at


to find the bogus dependency


this repo is only in the tailrecursion/warp pom, which is the weird part


this seems kind of uncool, because who knows what will end up in your .m2 cache

Chris Bidler01:08:46

how did tailrecursion/warp get into your repo? I understand that you’re using it as a test sled but did you mvn install it from a local source or pull it from somewhere remote and then start modifying it?


yes it's in clojars


i pulled it into local .m2 then modified the pom in place

Chris Bidler01:08:35

that’s disturbing - I wouldn’t have thought that Maven would do that, though I could see it happening for things you install locally

Chris Bidler01:08:54

though I guess the resolver probably shouldn’t care either way

Chris Bidler01:08:22

well, that’s beyond my direct knowledge of Maven, sadly - I’d have to gin up some test cases locally to better characterize its behavior


yeah i've seen the <repositories> in the pom.xml files but i always assumed that that was only used at build time, when the jar associated with the pom was built, by maven

Chris Bidler01:08:50

I wouldn’t have expected vanilla Maven to do that at all, fwiw

Chris Bidler01:08:14

well, I know that that’s probably not true


it's confusing that pom.xml is both the defacto package descriptor and the build tool spec file

Chris Bidler01:08:40

for example if you declare a parent POM, Maven will go looking for it and incorporate it into the effective POM for the current task or mojo or whatever

Chris Bidler01:08:35

I’m surprised to learn that it will do the same thing for transitive deps just because, as you say, “hey, why is ru.h4xx0r.lulz/r00tk1t being downloaded!?"


or worse, org.clojure/clojure is downloaded from there

Chris Bidler01:08:08

but the machinery for fetching stuff it doesn’t have right now and folding it into the effective environment is definitely there


and then pinned to that repo because of the metadata.xml in your local .m2


like i could make a malicious repo, then mirror every jar in clojars, with rootkit modifications

Chris Bidler01:08:06

this seems to me to be something that would have been exploited just mercilessly if it were really true, though

Chris Bidler01:08:05

I will investigate further and let you know what I find, maybe set up a remote repo that shadows something in clojars or central in S3 and see if I can make it break with vanilla Maven and a couple of pom.xmls


there is a ticket tracking this issue btw:

Chris Bidler01:08:40

oh man this is getting annoying. I can’t get boot repl to pull my leiningen creds out of gpg - I get

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Assert failed: gpg: problem with the agent: Inappropriate ioctl for device
                            gpg: decryption failed: No secret key

                            (zero? exit)

Chris Bidler01:08:01

I fixed this once and now I can neither remember what I had to do nor find the wiki or docs page that told me

Chris Bidler01:08:03

right, I’ve done all that and had it working


and command line gpg -d ~/.lein/credentials.clj works ok?

Chris Bidler01:08:54

and then I foolishly killed that iterm2 session and now it …doesn’t work again. I know there was a thing I had to do with GPG itself but I can’t remember what - I bet it’s in the leiningen docs linked there though, let me go look again

Chris Bidler01:08:43

it does and moreover after I do that then boot repl works too


man i just put the things in env vars

Chris Bidler01:08:58

so it is something to do with gpg agent caching

Chris Bidler01:08:11

where’s the fun in that?


that way i can manage the gpg stuff in the shell

Chris Bidler01:08:34

you’ll never learn any ancient history of your toolset by just doing the thing that works right away!


that's my dream

Chris Bidler01:08:00

hooray - progress:

1. Unhandled java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

Chris Bidler01:08:19

at least I’m finding the thing on the classpath now


i bet it's parsing an error message from gpg


or trying to parse it as json

Chris Bidler01:08:03

oh no, this is past the gpg issue, this is the response to (require ‘[datomic.backup-cli :refer [backup list-backups]])

Chris Bidler01:08:27

dropping out of emacs and decrypting the creds file in the shell session was good enough

Chris Bidler01:08:43

I did get it to present me the password prompt before but man, it hurt

Chris Bidler01:08:09

like, mandatory M-x redraw-display after successful passphrase input hurt

Chris Bidler01:08:28

I’m not …super sad about maybe just having to start off my workday with a quick gpg -d


the way i do it is i usually have vim open in one tmux tab, and boot repl in another


vim can still connect automatically to the running repl server


but i can also type in a regular repl for stuff like that

Chris Bidler01:08:51

I like vim a lot, but I like CIDER a lot more

Chris Bidler01:08:17

I’m sure it’s just a matter of knowledge investment though, I don’t really think there’s anything either toolchain can do that the other cannot


vim-fireplace is pretty minimal


it does like maybe 5% of what cider does

Chris Bidler02:08:21

yeah, but how much of what cider does do I actually …use? a tiny bit more each week as I force myself to learn, I guess

Chris Bidler02:08:15

so now what I really want is not (get-env :boot-class-path) but something very like mvn dependency:tree


boot show -d

Chris Bidler02:08:43

because I am pretty sure what’s happening here is a nearest-neighbor is pulling in “the wrong Jackson"


and boot show -p


-p will show dependency conflicts


-d shows the dependency tree

Chris Bidler02:08:28

holy crap that’s so fast from inside a repl


yeah everything is cached and memoized and whatnot

Chris Bidler02:08:56

yay, I did it! Or at least, some N lines of dependency-graph chirurgery later, I get to an exception coming from the transactor code itself

Chris Bidler03:08:41

I never again want to live in a world where I navigate Java dependency graphs without (boot (show “-d”)) and (boot (show “-p”)), wow


Hi - trying to get uber working... looks like succeeds but no uber is being created


@jonpither: are you having the target task at the end of your pipeline?


just added - thanks


I can't get build-docker to work here:, would this be for the same reason?


@jonpither: not sure what's not working for you but if you expect some files to show up in target or similar and they don't then the target task likely is what you need


what would be the best way to incorporate a (:refer-clojure :exclude [foo]) into my build.boot ? i’m probably missing something obvious ?


(specifically, i’m doing (deftask test [] …) and want to get rid of the warnings that clojure.core/test is being replaced by boot.user/test


@lmergen there's some solution to this but I usually just use test! instead of test


not an answer I know 😛


that appears to be the more pragmatic approach


@lmergen you can use ns-unmap


boot.user=> (doc ns-unmap)
([ns sym])
  Removes the mappings for the symbol from the namespace.


the refer-clojure form adds mappings which you can remove later with ns-unmap


(ns-unmap *ns* 'test)


once you've unmapped the name you can still access the var via its fully qualified name, ie clojure.core/test


a-ha! that’s pretty cool, thanks!


is there a boot app with compojure-api?


i would like an example for that..


@pvinis this doesn't use compojure-api but plain compojure but I guess the difference isn't that big:


@pvinis Yeah, just add dependency to compojure-api, replace defroutes with defapi and follow Compojure-api guides, doesn't really differ anything from examples using Lein


thanks both 🙂


i will try now