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(require ... '[org.martinklepsch.boot-garden :refer [garden]]) (deftask dev "Build devtips for local development." [] (comp (serve :port 8000 :handler 'devtips.handler/app :reload true) (watch) (speak) (hoplon) (reload) (cljs) (garden :styles-var ' :output-to "public/css/garden.css" ) ))
^ same question - haven't been able to get boot reload to show css changes with boot-sass or boot-less
i've been trying to get started using the tenzing template with less
@lucien.knechtli: I would have a look at if you want to bootstrap a projects from scratch with both backend and frontend
so wait I will paste my way
i'll take a look at that as well
since tenzing is frontend only and I'll eventually want a clojure backend
yeah lambone gives you both + boot + cljs + sass and I will introduce optional dirac soon
apart from the apply noise
that's the order
think the only reason it's taken me so long to make a real cljs project is that I haven't been able to put together a toolset that works well >.<
oh well, tenzing is working fine here, I started with it actually, then slowly developed my opinionated template 😉
started off with juxt/edge, but that's a bit of a mess and the complexity wasn't a good place to start
lambone started off edge
especially the repl in pod part
then evolved in something maybe a bit more complicated to read, but easier (hopefully) to use
but it is version 0.1.0
so please forgive me some rough edge ok?
that part is definitely nice. there's a lot in juxt that's good to take from, but making a project off of it without really understanding how boot does everything didn't do me any favors
true that
I think lambone is not for boot starters...and it is always better, if you really want to learn, to compose your build.boot piece by piece
I'm currently working with angular 1.x.x at work, so its all pretty new territory for me other than trying to learn basic clojure a bit back
but yea, that's why I started over from tenzing, since it's much more bare bones than edge was
in general it is a good starting point
lambone is a bit too much to start with
but you can ask here Martin is always around and a very helpful person
awesome. thanks 🙂 I'll take a look at how lambone does css reloading
great...there are btw two sass boot tasks, you can see that I am using Deraen's one
yea that's the one I was trying to use