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I'm still a bit confused as to when resources or assets are copied into the target directory
(deftask dev
"Simple alias to run application in development mode"
(set-env! :target-path "target")
(serve :dir "target/dev")
this results in an empty target directory, which I'm fine with
while this:
(serve :dir "target/dev")
(sass :sass-file "app.scss"
:output-dir "."
:line-numbers true
:source-maps true)
also copies over my assets
(set-env! :asset-paths #{"assets"})
(as well as generating the .css I want)
what's the idiomatic way of telling boot to copy assets over to the target directory? perhaps there's a side-effect of the way the sass
[mathias/boot-sassc "0.1.5" :scope "test"]
task is workingI think the best reference is this:
@malcolmsparks: There’s a default target
for :target-path
(just fyi)
I'm still a bit confused. I've got some files in
, I want them to end up exactly as the same, in target/
- I don't yet know how to accomplish thatI sort of get the idea about the input/output file types though
so you want to do something like cp -r assets target/assets
do you have a directory that you list in :resource-paths
ah, no, I only list it in :asset-paths
well, unless you want to process the files somehow :asset-paths
would be ok too
do I need to specify some task in the comp to get them to be copied over? or would you expect that to happen by default?
you just need to be aware that the contents of the directories that you add to those *-paths
things are added to the fileset not the directory itself
(set-env :asset-paths [“assets“])
will basically cause something like cp assets/* target/
Does that make sense?
(And there’s no extra task required to have files copied over if they are in :resource-paths
or :asset-paths
@martinklepsch: @malcolmsparks Also, IIRC the files are not actually copied to target-path until the taks ends. is that the case?
things are synced at the end of the pipeline or at the end of “a watch loop"
hmm. If I have 0 tasks, nothing gets copied over. It's the inclusion of the sass
task that triggers the asset copy it seems
That’s how (serve :dir “target”)
works if you use it with watch (ideally you serve from classpath though IMO).
I mean, if I just have
(deftask build [] (comp))
then no assets get copied over@malcolmsparks: identity
is the "null" task, maybe that's what you want?
e.g. (deftask build [] identity)
should cause assets to appear in target
which you could also write as (def build (constantly identity))
@alandipert: (= (comp) identity) ;=> true
oh weird... so that should work
Null task is covered here
but tbh I’m equally surprised and would have expected something to show up in :target-path
wow that wiki page has gotten a lot better since i last looked at it
> (deftask build [] identity)` should cause assets to appear in target
that's what I was expecting too - so I'm confused why it isn't working
it does appear to work but only if I add back the 'sass' task, and I was trying to determine whether it was something weird in the sass task itself, but couldn't find anything
I'm still a boot newb
i remember some discussion about that but i don't remember what the trigger was supposed to be, but the idea was that something like boot by itself wouldn't cause target to be populated
@alandipert: but I still appreciate your point, I remember when I first realized that (comp) was identity, and (+) was 0, and (*) was 1
very mzero monadic
so I guess I'll just put the sass thing back and accept that this also triggers the boot assets copy, but I'd love to know if there's a more benign trigger that doesn't require a scss file to work !
i'm lookin there too
I think the issue is that there’s no difference and thus nothing is synced:
i thought that also, but did see assets via show -f
in my test project
They are in the fileset, but the (seq (output-files diff))
returns nil I guess
as soon as you have one task that changes something it will return something and then sync everything
(that definitely concurs with what I'm seeing in my project)
I’m wondering, can I change boot.core/sync-target
without rebuilding boot itself? Like some alter-var-root
black magic?
ah, wait. Should have read the docs more carefully
@martinklepsch: been discussing with @micha
we agree the real answer is a target
ideally the user decides what to do with the last fileset, not boot
we find ourselves using boot as much as an app container as a build tool
running boot serve
in Docker vs. boot build-jar
, really two different use cases
ex boot build-jar target -d foo/bar
In what context was a target task also considered again? some cljs stuff?
we were just discussing possible lifecycles of the target/ directory
should it only exist while boot is running? should it not exist while boot is running? etc
Also when we were wondering if it's writing to target dir which is causing fileset overhead
@juhoteperi: you mean it would be nice to not have to write to target?
i wish we'd known boot wasn't a build tool earlier
@alandipert: We tried it and it didn't have any effect on performance
ah, good to know
Just stumbled upon this one while skimming issues: /cc @alandipert
It’s about “the old boot"
oh thanks, i have him on gchat - will reach out
Would be good to also close the issue at some point 🐵
@micha: @alandipert do you still use actively?
@martinklepsch: thanks for digging into the issue and making that ticket. i don't think we use it actively, @micha could confirm
@martinklepsch: I really liked when we used it at a previous company — don’t use it now as we’re using Bitbucket instead of github.
Hey folks! I can't get the browser repl to work for some reason. I've included cljs-repl in the build pipeline for my app. It seems to be starting a cljs repl at a random port (e.g. 55317). I'm serving the app with boot-http and I can see it open a websocket for that port. However, I can't open a REPL with "boot repl -c" followed by "(start-repl)". The latter simply starts another cljs-repl on <ws://>, drops me in a "cljs.user=>" prompt. Everything I then type in results in this: No client connected to Websocket.
Oh, actually, that random port is the reload server socket, not cljs-repl. So it's not working at all.
@jannis: are you running the cljs-repl
task before the cljs
@martinklepsch: Doh, swapping them did it!
@jannis: The cljs-repl
task is injecting some client code into the cljs build, so if the order is wrong the client code won’t be in the build
Have fun
Ha, thanks. I haven't used a browser repl before. Now I need to figure out how to access any of my CLJS code and do things more useful than (js/alert "Hello")
@pandeiro: agreen the full stack trace should go else where, i was looking into how the boot-reload file inject things into the cljs build, a tool like symphony profiler would be nice
usually the latest code from master needs to be processed in some way before your program can use it
so the best and simplest way is to build the jar locally and install it in your local maven repo
@pandeiro: It’s only ever that big when there is a lot of stuff right?
@martinklepsch: not sure, i've never seen it more than one line; i was just going by the recent discussions and the recent suggestion to use 30vh
@pandeiro: can you think of a case where you have 15 warnings that are not the result of some sort of cascade?
I agree that maybe there are smarter ways to handle this but I’m thinking if there’s so much stuff you probably messed up anyways and will fix all warnings at once.
And I also never recall seeing the Figwheel HUD cover a large portion of the screen (but I could be wrong about that)
IIRC figwheel HUD can cover the whole screen but has close button
And I think that is the best way, because I sometimes have like 200 warnings when refactoring something and I want to see them all
@juhoteperi: those warnings would show up in your console too though right?
@pandeiro: But the idea of HUD is that I don't need console
but yeah i can understand that... an 'X' button should be easy enough -- should I do that?
Some future boot-reload will drop our own client and use Figwheel code
If you need the close button now, do it, but if you are not in a hurry we'll get it for free in few weeks
Yes, I did a quick test already:
Cool to see that some stuff from figwheel is usable after all.
@juhoteperi: the only thing i would want would be to still fire some kind of event on the document when a reload event occurs
that's better for some things than --on-jsload because it's open and the task option is closed
@micha: Figwheel has options for that
We can just make on-jsload to set correct option
like the jQuery event?
We could do it, though I don't see why boot-reload should care about that
No harm in it either
@juhoteperi: what’s the rationale for using figwheel’s client in general?
@martinklepsch: No need to duplicate complex file reloading stuff
And better for community to not put effort into two implementations doing the same
I plan on contributing some parts from our current implementation to Figwheel when I have time
I feel like the code we’re replacing with figwheel.client looks much easier to maintain than fw's
But I'll clean Figwheels code where possible
What’s the complex part about the file reloading? Maybe that’s something that could be put into a separate lib with a sane API and reused from FW & boot-reload
Dependency ordering and filtering out namespaces which can't be reloaded
and some corner cases
that’s done by closure no? (via some private api)
@micha: It only orders Clojurescript namespaces, not Closure or foreign-libs
@martinklepsch: No functionality, only the data about it
@micha: It's not available in public CLJS api
Doesn't matter too much, I have not noticed any problems
I would instead add namespace and requires metadata to files
info about what the compiled js files are and how they relate to other compiled js files
Is there any other case for that data besides boot-reload?
module optimizations is already done by Cljs
As automatically as it can be done
You define the modules and main namespaces for each
That would require huge changes to Cljs
I’m pretty sure the Closure module splitting stuff is pretty good
Yes but Cljs is doing plenty of bootstrapping for Closure compiler in advanced mode that it doesn't do in none mode
Would be quite complicated and I doubt it's something that would be exposed on the API
this should allow everything that Closure compiler does
Ah, for module loading?
so like if you're compiling multiple builds the cljs task should just make the optimal module configuration for you
For hoplon, you could have a task that builds the configuration map automatically
It could just create a module from every hoplon page(?)?
Doesn't it currently create completely separate js file for each page?
@juhoteperi: ^ created the issue to further discuss. I’m not yet 100% convinced it’s the right step but that doesn’t have to hold you back of course.
Note about SASS errors etc. is good.