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@podviaznikov: I really like environ. I’m not sure I understand the benefits of Boot-Environ though.
i haven't heard much from people about how they're collaborating with designers on clojurescript projects, is anyone else doing this?
most projects I were involved with designer was also the person writing the code.
@martinklepsch: that’s the scenario you want
@alandipert: probably a good idea to ask in #C03S1L9DN as well
converting html templates to hiccup is also straightforward, so actually on one project we just did that. design was supplied by agency (html+css)
that's how i've tended to work and how we're working now; receive style kit/guide, then cljs it
but i feel like i'm missing out on a designer's help with the interactive design, the kind of design their tools don't empower them to do
yeah, I mean it’s always best to have designers who also code as @denik said
You have to show them the light
one of designers i've worked with loved hiccup and freely worked on changing components in figwheel workflow. it was like "we have html in... ahem... little bit different form" — "ok! it is very interesting! i will try" — "and there is similar thing for css, garden" — "no! one thing at time!"
yeah, lots of people really enjoy hiccup (myself included)
i suppose i am very curious about how little we can get away with imposing on designers, in terms of coding skills, in order for them to participate with us in interactive design
@martinklepsch: yep hiccup w/ structural editing is really nice
yes since they know HTML in many ways they know lisp already, which is nice
@alandipert: yes interactivity is where it gets hard, and as a side note most mockups breakdown when it comes to animations - it’s just to much work to do and do again over and over
@alandipert: once you show them there no closing tags and they can rename an elem just changing a keyword they may be sold
though I guess you want to find designers who already use hiccup like the guy from precursorapp
@alandipert: have you used the middleman workflow? I saw you linked to it earlier
@bsima: no, but i've experimented with running compass in a jruby pod
I wonder if @adambard is around... he seems to have the most experience with the middleman workflow
whats the point of middleman?
creates a static site with dummy data, then you use enlive to change the data with real data from your app
@martinklepsch: afaik it's a well-liked and widely understood way to drive sass and haml
we are working with a designer now on a hoplon app, and of course the designer is actually a programmer
these are two very different understandings 😄
since all markup compiles into cljs >:-)
@martinklepsch: well that's the thing with middleman, it's for static things... so i think most people doing cljs working with a designer start with some static template developed by a designer, then slice up the elements into components or whatever
@martinklepsch: so middleman is just a tool many designers seem to enjoy which is good at making the static thing
i say "just" but i don't want to diminish it, the designers i know swear by it
It’s a build tool essentially? 😛
haha, yes
darn, new problem, this time uberjar, which worked before:
added a Blog Posts wiki page:
I noticed that the jar task goes bonkers because I have this in my build.boot file: (alter-var-root (var print-length) (fn [v] 20))
@alandipert: do you think I should file an issue about that, or am I not supposed to alter the root of a var in build.boot?
@borkdude: interesting, yes an issue would be great