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anyone had issues with hx-put requests in certain browsers? Several forms I have work in Firefox but fail update in Chrome/Safari. Not sure what the issue is.


It’s not the method… I tried converting it to a POST and that also fails. Other forms are working, so I’ll see if I can figure out what the difference is. (I realize this isn’t an htmx channel, but thought I’d ask anyway 🙂 )

Jacob O'Bryant20:04:11

htmx stuff is definitely relevant 🙂 . might be something up with the CSRF token? that's what I'd look into first.


AFAICT, it's got something to do with how the form tag is handled by Chrome/Safari when inside a tr. I got the request working in an unstyled way by not nesting the inputs... I'll return to making it beautiful later 🙂

👌 1

It looks like this is a limitation of HTML/browsers. Here's a workaround:


I worked this up and have it working:

(defn form-tr
  [{:keys [hidden] :as opts} & body]
  [:tr (-> (merge {:hx-target "closest tr"
                   :hx-trigger "submit"} opts)
           (dissoc :hidden)
           (assoc-in [:style :margin-bottom] 0))
    (for [[k v] (assoc-some hidden "__anti-forgery-token" anti-forgery/*anti-forgery-token*)]
      [:input {:type "hidden"
               :name k
               :value v}])]
The UX is not as clean as a form (I need to figure out how to trigger submission on enter, etc.), but it at least works and gets laid out correctly.

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