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Jacob O'Bryant05:06:00

My "back in Biff mode" thing got interrupted by federal jury service which lasted a week and a half; finally making some more progress on the Electric integration. Just pushed which re-implements the example app's UI with Electric instead of htmx. I've at least got a rudimentary understanding of how to use Electric now. Wouldn't mind having a deeper understanding of Missionary. In particular, see which shows how to integrate xtdb with electric (not sure if signals is the right term for that namespace, 🤷 ). The xt-signal function is quite general purpose. See also (need to rename that to app.cljc or something, todo_list is just a holdover from the electric starter app) which shows how to use electric to do some simple (reactive) crud. I gotta say, being able to stick a call to submit-tx for a submit button is pretty sweet. also, there's basically only one biff-specific thing that's helpful to know: you can use e/*http-request* to get the context map (since biff merges the context/system map with the http request map), I like the idea of including electric in "biff core" eventually, after it's more mature and has more documentation; in the mean time, after I get this repo polished up, I'll write up a blog post/how-to guide for it and stick it in the (I am also still thinking that electric and htmx are complementary--probably the approach I'd take is to always start with htmx, and when it starts to get out of hand, then think about introducing electric)

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