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Jacob O'Bryant20:04:32

some personal news: I've finished all the high-leverage coding tasks I've had in mind for Yakread; after this it's just incremental improvements and marketing. I've decided to switch yakread to my "alt" project and have biff + consulting be the main project for now, with the assumption that yakread will probably be a "long, slow growth" thing. if I do hit a point where it looks like fast growth is possible than I can always switch yakread back to main. so biff stuff will be happening a lot faster, for the next little bit at least. after a couple months or so I'll decide if continuing with consulting as my main income source is still what I want to do or if I want to go apply to metabase or something

❤️ 16
yak 2
Jacob O'Bryant23:04:09

lol hope this didn't come off as like "I'm finally throwing in the towel" or something--still planning to get rich, crush my enemies, etc etc Metrics are promising as well, actually--though I'll need to see how the landing page conversion is now after some updates--I'm mainly just kinda at a weird stage where I'm like "well, even if the metrics are strong... seems like best thing to do might be to just make a lot of money so I can spend more on ads anyway?"


can't be sure, but I reckon it's an instinctive reaction whenever someone starts an update with "some personal news" 😄


I (still) think Yakread is excellent btw. Every time I look at all the noise in my personal email inbox it makes me wish you'd built it sooner!


I just noticed it's not on Product Hunt already - are you anti?

Jacob O'Bryant14:04:11

haha true! I like prefacing all my career-related announcements with that. Glad you're enjoying it so much 🙂. I'm not super against product hunt, but it feels like it would be a ton of work so I've never done a launch there. my understanding is that it's basically a cross-promotion--they're fine with people driving traffic to their listings and soliciting up votes. it's probably their main traffic source! but the result is I'm not confident I could send them enough traffic for it to be worthwhile. I feel like product hunt is a better fit for growth-hacking/indie hacker types I am planning to do a show hn soon; I've had success with those several times.

👍 1
Jacob O'Bryant14:04:19

plus--I've come to the mindset that what really matters is just product funnel conversion rates, retention etc. launches just haven't felt that important

📝 1

Interesting, I guess the tfos agenda ('unbundling social media') is the thing to be marketing/launching overtly, rather than Yakread or any other specific tool. The post-Twitter crowds need to be shown the light(!)

Jacob O'Bryant17:04:58

yes indeed 🙂 idk if you've seen Substack's new twitter competitor thing, but hopefully that at least has RSS baked in

👀 1